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obama or mccain poll

Guest Colee

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Guest RET.CW5.Ward
[quote='SFC.Mystical=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40494#post40494']You've got a point there. Maybe help soldiers who would like to leave the Armed Forces find a job, do you mean that sort of thing Ward? Payraise wouldn't be a bad idea either! I found out that a E-1 student at the Royal Dutch Military Academy earned more than an American E-4 on deployment. That's about as wrong as it can get.[/QUOTE] WTF im a E-4 deployed thats bs. Yeah actually care about us. Not just say I support the troops etc etc like they all say. I myself didn't join for the money, joined for the training and experience but better pay would be great, it sucks as it is. With what I plan on doing after i get out i'll have no problem getting a job, but others will/may when it comes to non civil service lines of work. A all volunteer force is the only way it should be in the US, if it wasn't the military would have alot of problems besides being stretched thin with OIF and OEF
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Guest BG.Darmine
Gamer i want you to be aware that your last comment was a personnel attack and if i see it again or it continues, yes you will be banned.. GEN Kraor did not personally attack you, he was just stating facts he knew and... we could get into the real reason a lot of you left but, i will not, seeings that this is a politics thread on obama and mccain.. You want to talk more about the issue you describe above then PM one of us.. Don't bring your clan disagreements here.. By the way you have been [B][COLOR='Red']WARNED![/COLOR][/B]
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Guest RET.GEN.Kraor
[quote='gamerk2','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40530#post40530'] Forgot to mention he wants to move more troops to Afghanastan. You make it sound like he's against military. Obama wants to let the Bush tax cuts run out (BTW, thanks to the bailout, theres no way congress lets them be kept, due to the debt situation), but he wants to lower taxes for those making less the $250,000 a year, and raise them on those making more than that. His tax cut for those making less than $250,000 is actually larger than the one McCain is giving by not letting Bush's tax breaks expire. In short, you're wrong. Period [/QUOTE] Uh no and I don’t think you’re the final say on whether I am right or wrong. But since you feel the need to so aggressively pursue this I will respond: Obama is more aggressive in the number of his proposed tax plans but McCain’s seem to be simpler and more fair across the board. Here is a pretty good article describing the differences in them. [url]http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/obama/1031268,CST-NWS-tax30.article[/url] I admit here that in my opinion Obama’s plan would raise taxes for all because of the effects it would cause. The plan itself does not state that but in fact says it will lower some taxes on people making less than $250,000 per year. [quote='gamerk2','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40530#post40530']Off on Obama again. He's against live/partial birth abortions. I'm starting to see a pattern here... [/Quote] No he’s not according to the Liberal NY Times: [url]http://elections.nytimes.com/2008/president/issues/abortion.html[/url] Starting to see a pattern here? [quote='gamerk2','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40530#post40530']Forget to mention that Obama wants to put the money to use to find an alternative to oil, and will give tax incentives as well. [/Quote] Both of them want to do that, but that is separate issue I was just posting their positions on the real solutions at hand i.e. get us more American oil in here to solve $5 gas prices. I personally am tired of putting my money in the hands of foreign oil. [quote='gamerk2','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40530#post40530']Obama wants to federalize health care, yes. But thats what the hike on those making over $250,000 is for. Everyone else still sees a cut. [/Quote] What do you think will happen when my company, who makes more than $250,000 per year, gets socked with high taxes? I tell you what will happen, I will get a lower raise or no raise and my health care percentage that I pay will rise to offset it. So they won’t be paying the increase, I will. You have to understand, Companies don’t pay taxes, we do.. They change wages and prices to “pay for” any tax increases (i.e. lost profit) that they get. [size=14][B]Judges[/B][/SIZE] [B]Obama[/B] - For liberal judges with expansive, progressive view of Constitution; opposed Roberts and Alito; favored filibusters to block conservative nominees. [B]McCain[/B] - For reliable strict constitutionalists, against “activist judges”; supported Roberts and Alito [quote='gamerk2','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40530#post40530']Not sure on the fillabuster part...[/Quote] Again the NYTimes can confirm this.. [url]http://elections.nytimes.com/2008/president/issues/judges.html[/url] [quote='gamerk2','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40530#post40530']A site set up by hardcore Rebublicans. [/Quote] [quote='Ret.Xander=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40509#post40509'] any other questions about the great McCain can be found here [url]www.therealmccain.com[/url][/QUOTE] Sort of like this one setup by hardcore Liberals [quote='gamerk2','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40530#post40530']Please Kraor, just stop. Nothing you have said anywhere is even close to being neutral by anyones observation. I know i'm getting banned by you for saying this, but try to follow your own forum rules, OK? Its crap like this why your entire top 25 TWL competiton team, consisting of two whole brigades, left in the first place. [/Quote] A little repressed anger here I think, And for the record, I haven’t said any of these things, they were taken from various NEWS Agencies. I did not make them up, I just went out looking for issues and where the candidates stand so I could make an educated decision on my choice as the next president. If you feel it isn’t neutral??? Whatever that means, I think maybe you just don’t like to see where your candidate stands on the issues some of us feel are important. Many people just like to hear a charismatic personality speak but then take offense when someone points out that they aren’t all that they are cracked up to be. What forum rules are you talking about? I wasn’t aware that I assaulted you, disrespected a member, flamed a person, didn’t follow the CoC, etc. I keep looking but don’t find a rule about stating my opinion in an opinion poll? [quote='gamerk2','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40530#post40530']Since i'm almost cerainly banned now, I'd like to say goodbye to the friends I still have here (Ddude, TMI, Grunt (even though he removed me from his xfire friends list) and others.[/QUOTE] A little paranoid are we? I don’t ban people unless they deserve it. In fact I don’t think I have banned anyone since before I was the Clan CO, the JCS usually makes those decisions and I don’t vote there unless there is a tie.
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Guest MCPOC. 2DyESaMuRi
Considering I have lived there, reduce support for Israel if not cut it off completely and we shall be at peace, will any president do that, no! therefore either one is a crock.
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
[quote='RET.mental696=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40555#post40555']tbh both are retarded. most likely ill vote mccain just for palin.[/QUOTE] Are you being serious?
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
McCain supporters care to explain this? [url]http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/2008/09/mccain_wins_debate.html[/url] The debate hasn't even taken place yet.
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[quote='Ret.Xander=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40559#post40559']McCain supporters care to explain this? [url]http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/2008/09/mccain_wins_debate.html[/url] The debate hasn't even taken place yet.[/QUOTE] So some moron at the Wall Street Journal placed an ad on the site too early. Big deal. I mean, honestly, they're just being prepared in case he does win.
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
They need an ad specifically to say McCain won? Good to see his campaign money is going to good use, its ok though he can just sell one of his 6 houses for a few million if he needs it. And granted I wasn't the biggest Biden fan, he is against net neutrality, he is against encrypting the internet, and he he loves the MPAA and RIAA two associations I hate more than any other. But compared to Palin, Biden is an obvious choice. Biden's experience and foreign policy are a huge help for people who criticized Obama for lack of both. Palin on the other hand is the complete opposite, her lack of experience and foreign policy just hurts McCain.
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Guest mental696
[quote='Ret.Xander=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40556#post40556']Are you being serious?[/QUOTE] yeah i am being serious...
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
[quote='RET.mental696=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40568#post40568']yeah i am being serious...[/QUOTE] Talk to people in Alaska, they all hate her, and she was just governor.
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Just gotta voice my opinion. Who the f*** cares... this country is going to hell in a handbasket and pretty **** quick. Alot of people are to blame and its been going like this for years. So either way, neither of the candidates are gonna be able to shovel out this pile of crap thats been building for years. And lets be honest, everyone knows this is the year Nader pulls it out of the hat and takes it by surprise. :D
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Guest RET.Realgrunt=US=
[quote='gamerk2'] Please Kraor, just stop. Nothing you have said anywhere is even close to being neutral by anyones observation. I know i'm getting banned by you for saying this, but try to follow your own forum rules, OK? Its crap like this why your entire top 25 TWL competiton team, consisting of two whole brigades, left in the first place. Since i'm almost certainly banned now, I'd like to say goodbye to the friends I still have here (Ddude, TMI, Grunt (even though he removed me from his xfire friends list) and others.[/quote][B]What is wrong with you? You went from a rare political post to insulting our clan? Who gives a f**k about why you left! That is old news here. Why are you attempting to incite things? I lost a lot of repect for you bro. [/B]
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Guest RET.Realgrunt=US=
[B]Also one thing further and this is my opinion only. I disagree with any political posts being held on our forums. This is just my opinion only! Every time we engage in any type of conversation of this sort it always turns into a bad thing. I do understand that good intentions were thought of when the post was made but when we degrade to people getting hostile then this thread has gone too far. Please stick with the original topic and have a fun debate or do not post here at all.[/B]
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Guest RET.CPT.MacCullock=US=
OK so here is my two cents. McCain nailed what the surge would do in Iraq. It ain't over yet, but we are winning there. The commander who planned and implemented it has now moved to Afghanistan, and is very much concerned about preset political Iraq timetables for American security. McCain also nailed how hard it would be to get a realistic solution to the financial situation. He doesn't need three hundred advisers to do his thinking for him. No matter how smart or well-spoken Obama is, he just doesn't know reality like McCain. There have been lots of charsimatic people you couldn't trust alone with something or someone you care about. You can see his total lack of realism in the fact he has government funded security guards while advocating that individual Americans should not be able to provide their own security, as in not own personal firearms of the sort one needs to protect his property or family in a high crime area. He clearly doesn't care about anyone's right to life but his own and that of his cronies. That is not even the main issue. Obama will gladly take money from abortionists who do pretty horrible things to babies for profit. He cannot even swear the pledge of allegiance honestly, because he approves of the decision to kill babies in the hands of folks who make money from it. If he cannot even pretend to uphold Justice for All, he is flat wrong for president, or dogcatcher. If he openly profits from killing the most defenseless Americans, how can anyone pretend he is trustworthy with other peoples' freedoms when no one is watching? I will vote McCain because the Libertarians don't have a chance in the election. We (I am a Libertarian) first need to build up the party, get more people in office, and get some new laws made about how elections are done in this country. For anyone who thinks of themselves as a Christian who respects the Bible, consider what was the crowning act which completed God's purpose for all of creation? Putting it all under human dominion and blessing them with fruitfulness on earth. Glorifying Himself through human lives is the climactic reason why all creation exists. One day God will make that come fully true in spite of all our efforts to defeat it. Consider also what God the Father names himself ... 4 Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds his name is the LORD— and rejoice before him. 5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. [URL='http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psa%2068&version=31']Psalm 68:4-5[/URL] Some of you have read on my blog the amazing things that have happened to me with various Bibles. One of them came after I wondered why the previous Answers were Old Testament, and what does God have to say about abortion? I got the boldness again to put my finger in blindly. It was in the middle of a certain right hand page in my 2,000 page Bible that I had studied before. But it is a verse I have never heard mentioned regarding right to life, which is truly about babies and mercy and God all at once. It is from the song Mary sang when she learned she would be the unmarried mother of the Messiah Himself, as a humanly fatherless child, and who came for mercy to future children. 54 He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful 55 to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers." [URL='http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=luke%201:39-56;&version=31;']Luke 1:54-55[/URL]
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Guest Undefined
Since I was born, there's always been a pretty shoddy president in office. I can say almost for sure that it'll be the same for at LEAST another 4 years, probably another 8 or more. Which is why I'm looking at who would be less bad, and I'm just thinking that the least bad would be Obama. Just my two cents.
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Guest SFC.No1sadvocate=US=
[quote='CPT.MacCullock=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40604#post40604']OK so here is my two cents. McCain nailed what the surge would do in Iraq. It ain't over yet, but we are winning there. McCain also nailed how hard it would be to get a realistic solution to the financial situation. He doesn't need three hundred advisers to do his thinking for him. No matter how smart or well-spoken Obama is, he just doesn't know reality like McCain. You can see that in the fact he has government funded security guards while advocating that individual Americans should not be able to provide their own security, as in not own personal firearms of the sort one needs to protect his property or family in a high crime area. He doesn't care about anyone's right to life but his own and that of his cronies. That is not even the main issue. Obama will gladly take money from abortionists who do pretty horrible things to babies for profit. He cannot even swear the pledge of allegiance honestly, because he approves of the decision to kill babies in the hands of folks who make money from it. If he cannot even pretend to uphold justice for All, he is flat wrong for president, or even senator. If he openly profits from killing the most defenseless Americans, how can anyone pretend he is trustworthy with other peoples freedoms when no one is watching? I vill vote McCain because the Libertarians don't have a chance in the election. They first need to build up their party and get some new laws made about how elections are done in this country.[/quote] First the "security guards" are the US Secret Service. I met some of them last week. He is required to have them by law. He also does not believe in taking away the 2nd amendment rights. He simply thinks that guns should be tracked and kept out of the hands of kids and felons who charge into schools and kill people. Personally, I'm perfectly fine with guns, as long as people are safe with them. Show me evidence that Obama has EVER taken money from an "Abortionist". And this is not personal, I've been wondering this for a while: Why does Obama get attacked fro being Pro-choice when McCain is Pro-Capital Punishment and Pro-War? All 3 are right to life issues that the pope has condemned. Why do so many christian voter base their vote off the right to life and still vote against the 2 of 3 of the pope's commands? And really what has George W. done to stop abortions?!? NOTHING! Obama wants to TEACH teens not to have sex not just think it and provide better funding for adoption services. Look at Sarah Palin's method of "Don't Talk About it" and how well it worked.
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Guest millertime
[quote='1SG.No1sadvocate=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40607#post40607'] Why does Obama get attacked fro being Pro-choice when McCain is Pro-Capital Punishment and Pro-War? All 3 are right to life issues that the pope has condemned. Why do so many christian voter base their vote off the right to life and still vote against the 2 of 3 of the pope's commands?[/QUOTE] The reason behind that is because in so many Americans' minds killing babies is the worst thing ever, much worse than killing a potential terrorist in Iraq or a convicted felon.
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[quote='Ret.Xander=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40576#post40576']Talk to people in Alaska, they all hate her, and she was just governor.[/QUOTE] Do you personally know anyone in Alaska? My uncle has lived there for the past 25 years and has worked in politics as well, he, and many of those he works with on the Aleutian Islands love her.
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
[quote='CPT.MacCullock=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40604#post40604']For anyone who thinks of themselves as a Christian who respects the Bible, consider what was the crowning act which completed God's purpose for all of creation? Putting it all under human dominion and blessing them with fruitfulness on earth. Glorifying Himself through human lives is the climactic reason why all creation exists. One day God will make that come fully true in spite of all our efforts to defeat it. Consider also what God the Father names himself ... 4 Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds his name is the LORD— and rejoice before him. 5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. [URL='http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psa%2068&version=31']Psalm 68:4-5[/URL] Some of you have read on my blog the amazing things that have happened to me with various Bibles. One of them came after I wondered why the previous Answers were Old Testament, and what does God have to say about abortion? I got the boldness again to put my finger in blindly. It was in the middle of a certain right hand page in my 2,000 page Bible that I had studied before. But it is a verse I have never heard mentioned regarding right to life, which is truly about babies and mercy and God all at once. It is from the song Mary sang when she learned she would be the unmarried mother of the Messiah Himself, as a humanly fatherless child, and who came for mercy to future children. 54 He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful 55 to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers." [URL='http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=luke%201:39-56;&version=31;']Luke 1:54-55[/URL][/QUOTE] There is something called Separation of Church and State, this does NOT belong in a political discussion. Christian beliefs and American beliefs are two different things, and quoting from your book no matter what it says should carry no political impact what so ever. John Adams from the treaty of tripoli article 11 [quote]The Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.[/quote] James Madison [quote]What influence in fact have Christian ecclesiastical establishments had on civil society? In many instances they have been upholding the thrones of political tyranny. In no instance have they been seen as the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wished to subvert the public liberty have found in the clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate liberty, does not need the clergy.[/quote] Thomas Jefferson [quote]I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth.[/quote] This is not a Christian nation it wasn't founded a Christian nation. Freedom of religion is what this country was founded on. You can practice what ever faith you want, that's your right as an American, but your faith belongs no where near politics.
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Well I find that very ironic seeing how both candidates have touted their faith by dragging their Religious leaders with them (and then Obama dropping his like a bad habit when his Rev. started giving his campaign bad PR) but you cannot sit there and deny the fact that Religion is rooted in EVERY election. Candidates for years have used their religion as a tool to paint themselves as an American to better connect with voters. So sit there and deny it as you will but its there and it will always be there.
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