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obama or mccain poll

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Guest SFC.No1sadvocate=US=
[quote='Ret.Xander=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40466#post40466']Obama is my hero[/quote] seconded.
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[quote='Ret.Xander=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40466#post40466']Obama is my hero[/QUOTE] Thirded On a historic side note: The only canidate in 2000 who predicted this: Ralph Nader. Maybe its time to go third party??
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Guest RET.SCPO.Mystical=US=
[quote='Ret.Xander=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40466#post40466']Obama is my hero[/QUOTE] Fifhted He strikes me as a man who knows what he is doing.
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Guest SFC.No1sadvocate=US=
[quote='SFC.Mystical=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40485#post40485']Fifhted He strikes me as a man who knows what he is doing.[/quote] thats why it seems that he doesn't fit in with american politics.
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Guest RET.CW5.Ward
I really haven't been able to watch them to have a opinion. Which ever one gets elected should treat the troops with respect since they say we've helped the country out they should help us out, a good job and a hand shake can only go so far when your getting shot at.
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Guest RET.SCPO.Mystical=US=
[quote='CSM. Ward','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40492#post40492']I really haven't been able to watch them to have a opinion. Which ever one gets elected should treat the troops with respect since they say we've helped the country out they should help us out, a good job and a hand shake can only go so far when your getting shot at.[/QUOTE] You've got a point there. Maybe help soldiers who would like to leave the Armed Forces find a job, do you mean that sort of thing Ward? Payraise wouldn't be a bad idea either! I found out that a E-1 student at the Royal Dutch Military Academy earned more than an American E-4 on deployment. That's about as wrong as it can get.
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Guest RET.LTC.Skelly=US=
I'm going McCain. The messiah, Barrak Obama, has no message but change. I'm not sure if that means he'll change his underwear, or military deployment. He doesn't seem to think to well on his feet either. He also has a very shaddy past, with his whole relationship with Bill Heirs and his racist revirend. McCain, whom I don't completely agree with, has experiance of dealling with high stress situations. He will let me keep more of my money. And unlike Berry Obama, will do what is right for the country and the troops. People who lothe the military rarely do right by the troops. Look a Clinton and Somalia. Hilary just scared me. I mean she would drive this country in the ground for a high pole rating. To be honest, I would rather have Palin running for President, she is far more conservative than McCain, but that's not how it worked out. One other thing that scares me about the messiah is how [B]he[/B] interjected race in the campaign. Does that mean everytime someone disagrees with a Black canadit or President, they're just racist. I'm not voting for the guy because I don't like his politics, and he's calling me a racist, bitter, clinger. That I hide behind my religion and my guns. Actual, I just want to keep my freedom, and preserve what I grew up with. I'm sure you young ones will flame me for the message of Change, but what is he really going to change? After all, this change message is just Speachs, just words.
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Lol why not, gather the four, throw them in afganistan, and let them find bin laden. The one who does capture the cave man, can be our president lol. Hows that sound?
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Guest SFC.No1sadvocate=US=
read Barack's book. Then talk to me about what he plans to do. Shady Past? Ever heard about McCain cheating on his first with with Cindy for 5 years??? Also Talk to me about verterans... I recently attended a rally with some Iraq vets and one spoke about how he was in a car accident and wasn't covered by his military insurance and has $200,000 in medical bills. What a shame that someone who put his life on the line for us can't get his medical insurance to pay for life saving surgeries. 2006 In 2006 [URL='http://www.votesmart.org/issue_rating_detail.php?r_id=3439']Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America[/URL] gave Senator McCain a grade of [B]D[/B]. 2006 Senator McCain supported the interests of the [URL='http://www.votesmart.org/issue_rating_detail.php?r_id=3483']Disabled American Veterans[/URL] [B]20[/B] percent in 2006. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2006 Senator Obama supported the interests of the [URL='http://www.votesmart.org/issue_rating_detail.php?r_id=3483']Disabled American Veterans[/URL] [B]80[/B] percent in 2006. 2006 In 2006 [URL='http://www.votesmart.org/issue_rating_detail.php?r_id=3439']Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America[/URL] gave Senator Obama a grade of [B]B+[/B].
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Very interesting, honestly... I have no permanent political selection... I agree with some things over others by each of the candidates, but yes... I am young and do not affiliate myself with politics to much.
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
[quote='Skelly','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40500#post40500']I'm going McCain. The messiah, Barrak Obama, has no message but change. I'm not sure if that means he'll change his underwear, or military deployment. He doesn't seem to think to well on his feet either. He also has a very shaddy past, with his whole relationship with Bill Heirs and his racist revirend. McCain, whom I don't completely agree with, has experiance of dealling with high stress situations. He will let me keep more of my money. And unlike Berry Obama, will do what is right for the country and the troops. People who lothe the military rarely do right by the troops. Look a Clinton and Somalia. Hilary just scared me. I mean she would drive this country in the ground for a high pole rating. To be honest, I would rather have Palin running for President, she is far more conservative than McCain, but that's not how it worked out. One other thing that scares me about the messiah is how [B]he[/B] interjected race in the campaign. Does that mean everytime someone disagrees with a Black canadit or President, they're just racist. I'm not voting for the guy because I don't like his politics, and he's calling me a racist, bitter, clinger. That I hide behind my religion and my guns. Actual, I just want to keep my freedom, and preserve what I grew up with. I'm sure you young ones will flame me for the message of Change, but what is he really going to change? After all, this change message is just Speachs, just words.[/QUOTE] lol Skelly I swear you and me are complete opposites, we can't agree on one thing. I've liked Obama since he announced his run for presidency, he was the senator of my state (IL) so I already knew who he was. It really wasn't until he came to my school (Iowa State) during the primaries and I watched him speak that I realized this man should be president. He is smart, charismatic (something our past few presidents have been lacking), he's young (i'm sorry but saying McCain @ 72 could be president compared to a 47 year old should be a bigger issue than it is), and he knows what he's talking about. I can't say McCain is a single one of those qualities. McCain finished 894/899 in his class, I'm all for the American dream and "anyone can be president" but seriously, think of the kids who graduated near last in your class, would you vote for them? McCain is nothing without his speech writers and aides, there has been plenty of times he has said something that was completely wrong and has to be corrected by his aides. He mumbles, and stumbles his speeches and just sounds like a grumpy old man on his last hoorah. As I said McCain is to old, he would be the oldest president we've ever had, beating out Regan by almost 2 years. Obama hasn't been corrupted by the system yet, his ideas are his own not that of the lobbyists who funded McCain's campaign. I can't believe even YOU Skelly like Palin, McCain played the inexperiance card so hard and then all of a sudden he picks a woman (*cough*HILLARY VOTERS*cough*), who has less experience than the man he has been criticizing for so long. Leaving out her personal life, and the very strange birth of her youngest child, she is NOT fit to be president. Just as Governor of Alaska for about a year she is already involved in scandals and massive flip-flops. Watch this video from the Daily Show, they just use clips to make the conservatives look like morons they don't even need to crack jokes. [url]http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=184086[/url] Talking about people's past look at McCain, he was a POW, and served in the military, great for him he's a patriot and good American. So how did he get into Politics? Oh thats right, when he came back from the POW camp he was a mini celebrity and his wife had suffered from a bad car accident that caused her to lose 4 inches in height due to broken legs, she was on crutches and heavier since he last saw her since she was bed ridden. So after a few years he meets the much younger (and wealthier) Cindy Lou Hensley, after he cheats on his wife for a year he gets divorced and marries Cindy who is 18 years his junior (imagine you being with a newborn baby on your 18th birthday....), and she also happens to be the heiress for Hensley & Co which is a Anheuser-Busch beer wholesaler. Luckily with new found wealth he could leave the Navy and become a Congressman, which he did and has done up until this day. Talk about having a shady past... any other questions about the great McCain can be found here [url]www.therealmccain.com[/url]
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Guest RET.GEN.Kraor
There is so much warped about what you said I don’t know where to begin, but instead of making fun of their age, lack of charisma, or children’s health issues I am going to post some important issues and where the 2 stand on them. [B][size=14]Iraq War[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] - Opposed the war in Iraq from the outset and says there is "no military solution". Opposed "surge" strategy. Backs phased withdrawal of US forces - with all troops out of combat operations within 16 months of taking office. [B]McCain[/B] - Voted for 2003 invasion and backed Bush troop escalation. Had said US forces should remain until Iraq is able to defend itself, but now predicts under his presidency most would have withdrawn by 2013. [B][size=14]Taxes[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] – wants to repeal tax cuts and raise taxes on all Americans [B]McCain[/B] – wants to make tax cuts permanent and reduce federal spending. [B][size=14]Abortion[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] – supports abortion, partial birth and live birth abortions [B]McCain[/B] – Pro-Life – supported ban on partial birth abortions. (although he has waffled a bit here) [B][size=14]Climate Change[/SIZE][/B] Both support cap –and-trade systems to reduce carbon emissions. [B][size=14]Energy[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] – opposes gas tax holiday, supports higher taxes on gas companies, opposes off-shore and arctic drilling and opposes expanding nuclear power. [B]McCain[/B] - Supports gas tax holiday; opposes drilling in the Arctic, supports offshore drilling; opposes ethanol subsidies; supports expanding nuclear power. [B][size=14]Health Care[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] – wants to federalize healthcare providing coverage for all paying for it with tax increases. [B]McCain[/B] - wants tax incentives to encourage people to get personal health insurance. [size=14][B]Judges[/B][/SIZE] [B]Obama[/B] - For liberal judges with expansive, progressive view of Constitution; opposed Roberts and Alito; favored filibusters to block conservative nominees. [B]McCain[/B] - For reliable strict constitutionalists, against “activist judges”; supported Roberts and Alito Oh and here: [url]http://therealobama.com/[/url]
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[quote='Lindsay','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40498#post40498']Hillary Clinton because, A: Obama is young and inexperienced and B: McCain has distorted views[/QUOTE] Stop it. Obama has 12 years experiance in government (State and Senate). Clinton has 7. Stop saying Obamas not experianed.
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[quote='MG.Kraor','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40514#post40514'] [B][size=14]Iraq War[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] - Opposed the war in Iraq from the outset and says there is "no military solution". Opposed "surge" strategy. Backs phased withdrawal of US forces - with all troops out of combat operations within 16 months of taking office. [B]McCain[/B] - Voted for 2003 invasion and backed Bush troop escalation. Had said US forces should remain until Iraq is able to defend itself, but now predicts under his presidency most would have withdrawn by 2013. [/Quote] Forgot to mention he wants to move more troops to Afghanastan. You make it sound like he's against military. [Quote] [B][size=14]Taxes[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] – wants to repeal tax cuts and raise taxes on all Americans [B]McCain[/B] – wants to make tax cuts permanent and reduce federal spending. [/Quote] Obama wants to let the Bush tax cuts run out (BTW, thanks to the bailout, theres no way congress lets them be kept, due to the debt situation), but he wants to lower taxes for those making less the $250,000 a year, and raise them on those making more than that. His tax cut for those making less than $250,000 is actually larger than the one McCain is giving by not letting Bush's tax breaks expire. In short, you're wrong. Period. [Quote] [B][size=14]Abortion[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] – supports abortion, partial birth and live birth abortions [B]McCain[/B] – Pro-Life – supported ban on partial birth abortions. (although he has waffled a bit here) [/Quote] Off on Obama again. He's against live/partial birth abortions. I'm starting to see a pattern here... [Quote] [B][size=14]Climate Change[/SIZE][/B] Both support cap –and-trade systems to reduce carbon emissions. [/Quote] Agree [Quote] [B][size=14]Energy[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] – opposes gas tax holiday, supports higher taxes on gas companies, opposes off-shore and arctic drilling and opposes expanding nuclear power. [B]McCain[/B] - Supports gas tax holiday; opposes drilling in the Arctic, supports offshore drilling; opposes ethanol subsidies; supports expanding nuclear power. [/Quote] Forget to mention that Obama wants to put the money to use to find an alternative to oil, and will give tax incentives as well. [Quote] [B][size=14]Health Care[/SIZE][/B] [B]Obama[/B] – wants to federalize healthcare providing coverage for all paying for it with tax increases. [B]McCain[/B] - wants tax incentives to encourage people to get personal health insurance. [/Quote] Obama wants to federalize health care, yes. But thats what the hike on those making over $250,000 is for. Everyone else still sees a cut. [size=14][B]Judges[/B][/SIZE] [B]Obama[/B] - For liberal judges with expansive, progressive view of Constitution; opposed Roberts and Alito; favored filibusters to block conservative nominees. [B]McCain[/B] - For reliable strict constitutionalists, against “activist judges”; supported Roberts and Alito [/Quote] Not sure on the fillabuster part... [Quote] Oh and here: [url]http://therealobama.com/[/url][/QUOTE] [/Quote] A site set up by hardcore Rebublicans. Please Kraor, just stop. Nothing you have said anywhere is even close to being neutral by anyones observation. I know i'm getting banned by you for saying this, but try to follow your own forum rules, OK? Its crap like this why your entire top 25 TWL competiton team, consisting of two whole brigades, left in the first place. Since i'm almost cerainly banned now, I'd like to say goodbye to the friends I still have here (Ddude, TMI, Grunt (even though he removed me from his xfire friends list) and others.
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Guest the_sauce
[quote='PFC.Crazycommanche=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=40459#post40459']plz vote NO FLAMING WHAT SO EVER[/QUOTE] Startin to get a bit toasty in here......
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