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Graphics card question.

Guest Doubleome

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ok i know this is the wrong topic to post in but i seem to be unable to find the graphics requst forum ( or am i just blind )... i need something matching a sig and av combo av size 96x96 and sig a little bigger than clan size things to include: my name ( DJ K3V1N ) anyways you think it looks best so it should fit a dj theme ( i specialize on techno music )

would be nice if someone could take this.


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Guest Doubleome
I've seen u can have 2x Graphics card in ur pc but what is the advantage ? Could any1 explain that ? And also if u pick a motherboard what should u look for ? I found this system with this motherboard but all that is just chinese for me. Its 99 euro. But I seen price between 100-200 dont really mean anything. But any1 got opinion about it ? [url]http://www.informatique.nl/122991/asus-p5k/epu.htm[/url] Its in combination with this system: [url]http://www.informatique.nl/cgi-bin/iqshop.cgi?M=OS1&O=IQ00008[/url] Most of the stuff is dutch but all the hardware is in english if im right. Also wondering why quad core or why dual core ? Since If u have 4x 2.4 Ghz when ur games etc only can use 2. Why not take 2x 3Ghz for less and have better preformane ? Looking for new system about 1000euro but I noticed there is like 100000 differnt options. Mostly concerning about motherboard. Graphics card is gonna be some GT(X)8800 series Thnx
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Guest BG.Darmine
The advantege is like having a dual core processor in your graphics card. For instance if you have to 8800 GTS(SLi Mode) i think it will jump your frames per second to 130, which is wow a lot. I am just geusstomating the frames it is in that range though. Mother boards need to be SLi or Crossfire compatible. So that means you can go into the Bios and turn it on or off. Or there are jumpers you can fiddle with also i believe depends on the board. And those kind of boards are about 250-350 a pop.
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Guest gamerk2
MOST of the time, having 2 of the same graphics card will improve preformance, although there is the occasional occurance of a game running worse/not at all, due to a flaw in the drivers for the card.
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Guest Doubleome
Oke well then the only thing I wonder is. 1x XFX 8800 GTX/600XT [url]http://www.alternate.nl/html/builder/proddetail.html?showTecData=true&class=graphicscardPCIe&artno=JBXXG3&source2=coList#tecData[/url] Or Sapphire HD3870 X2 [url]http://www.alternate.nl/html/product/details.html?articleId=-1067567&showTechData=true[/url] Or should I get something like this ? [url]http://www.alternate.nl/html/product/details.html?articleId=-1068210&showTechData=true[/url] I hope ur able to make sence of the specs since most is dutch but the actual stuff is in English terms. Than as last. What about ram. I seen loads of specs like DDR2-800-1066 etc. And CL* *-*-* and PC2 ****. But what is it u want for ur ram ? And if 2k or 4k makes any huge differnces. Man didnt know putting a pc together takes this much effort. Way to much to chose from. And U get fooled with names looking alike.
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Guest gamerk2
The Sapphire HD3870 X2 actually runs worse than a single 8800 Ultra in some situations. I'd go with either a 8800 Ultra, or a 9800 GX2 (money allowing) if you want a single slot card. That being said, the HD3870 X2 does support DX 10.1, so if its a significant upgrade over what you already have, it might be worth looking into. This link compars the FPS you get with a HD3870 X2, a 9800 GX2, and 8800 Ultra: [url]http://www.tomshardware.com/2008/03/18/nvidia_geforce_9800_gx2_review/index.html[/url] Take a look if you are considering an upgrade.
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Guest gamerk2
Also, if you want to run at resolutions higher than 1980X1600, you need a GFX card with more than 512MB RAM (the link above should show this anomaly). Same with Anti-Alising. Keep in mind, two 8800 Ultras are still better than either of the other cards, but will cost around $1000 or so.
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Guest Doubleome
Guess I finally got it only thing I gotta know now is. Is GTX [url]http://www23.tomshardware.com/graphics_2007.html?modelx=33&model1=706&model2=706&chart=318[/url] and [url]http://www.alternate.nl/html/productDetails.html?artno=JBXXG3[/url] The same card. And if GT [url]http://www23.tomshardware.com/graphics_2007.html?modelx=33&model1=706&model2=1057&chart=318[/url] and [url]http://www.alternate.nl/html/productDetails.html?artno=JBXNL1[/url] The same card ? Atleast same preformance, this stuff just makes me go crazy. And if so what should U suggest ? And as very last :) What about ram. I seen loads of specs like DDR2-800-1066 etc. And CL* *-*-* and PC2 ****. But what is it u want for ur ram ? And if 2k or 4k makes any huge differnces.
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Guest RET.LT.Snowman=US=
As far as I could tell for the GTX, the two websites you gave were each about the same video card. The same goes for the GT OC. Personally I would go with the GT OC. It is substantially less expensive, and for many games both performance levels are exactly the same. Actually in some cases, the GT OC slightly outperforms the GTX. The money you save with the difference in the prices can be used later to buy another GT OC to use in SLI. The price of 249 euros for the GTX is essentially the price you will have to pay. You're most likely not going to find anything better than that. The 200 euros for the GT OC is overpriced compared to the deals I've seen online. The lowest I have seen a GT OC offered at is around 135 euros. I'm not an expert on RAM. I believe the newest type is PC6400. You will want a couple of gigs at least for high performance gaming. But 2 gigs of PC6400 will most likely set you back another 130 euros. A lot of high performance gaming computers use three gigs of RAM.
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Guest Doubleome
I did hear there are some probs with 2x graphics cards but not sure what is true about all that. This dont seem bad. [url]http://www.alternate.nl/html/product/details.html?articleId=-1067904&showTechData=true[/url] Or [url]http://www.alternate.nl/html/productDetails.html?artno=JBXVL1[/url] According to reactions they run crisis max max max but they have sound and heat problem.
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Guest RET.Realgrunt=US=
I have an 512mb 8800GT OC. It runs everything including Crysis with zero problems and high frame rates. I run everything in a resolution of 1680 x 1050 except for BF2 which doesn't support that high of a resolution (big surprise).
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Guest RET.LT.Snowman=US=
You buy a GT OC you're essentially buying a GTX at 115€ cheaper. The performance you get with each card is far too similar to dish out that kinda cash for the GTX. Save that money and buy another GT OC, more RAM, or a better processor. Your money will go a lot farther in the long run if you buy the GT OC, in my opinion.
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Guest gamerk2
Eh, the 8800 GT, when overclocked, is almost as good as the 8800 GTX. Keep in mind though, that having only 512MB RAM on the card will prevent you from playing well at high resolutions (beyond 1980x1600), although i doubt you have any plans to play that high. :D
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Guest Doubleome
But also. The GT and GTX are about 40-30 euro differnce at the shop I made the PC. So in price its not much differnce. Since the GTX is 250 euro at that site. And on other sites its over 300.
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Guest muffin
well with that, make sure its a good brand.. some brands are clocked lower than others, or use less reliable manufacturing processes
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Guest gamerk2
Never head of 'em. I always buy NVIDIA cards from either XFX or BFGTech. EVGA cards are (usually) decent as well. I'll look up the company you mentioned later tonight.
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Guest Doubleome
Guess its down to these 2. [url]http://www.azerty.nl/producten/product_detail/160/58476/geforce-8800gt-amp.html[/url] And [url]http://www.azerty.nl/producten/product_detail/160/58489/nx8800gt-t2d512e-oc.html[/url]
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Guest Doubleome
Than only 1 questions remains. What operating system. Atm going for 32 windows home. Cuz I heard 32 bit allows 3 GB ram. Instead of the 4 I would go for with 64 bit. Any suggestions ? Ooh and. Is 16MB cache or 32MB cache hardisk a huge differnce ? And worth paying more for ? Cheapest I found was 70 euro. But gonna get 2x harddisk in system.
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Guest gamerk2
For OS, stick with XP. It actually works, and it's updating program won't give you a blue screen of death (talking from experiance here...). What i'm doing with my new rig is putting XP on my primary HD, and Vista on my secondary (only for DX 10). As for HD cache size, the diffrence in preformance you would get would be minimal, so if there's a price diffrence, the 32MB cache should be just as good as the 64MB one.
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