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New Rig, need help about parts I picked

Guest KSp1ke

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Guest KSp1ke

Alright I have around $2000 to spend on this new rig, and I plan on building it before BF4 comes out.

Here are the parts that I chose out, please help me out and see if I messed up anything because I've never built a computer before.






http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231568 x2 (32gb)






Graphics Card:


















Thank you :)

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Guest Halabrad

I would strongly look at getting an SSD. You wouldnt have to make it large, maybe only 128GB, just enough to put your OS on. It makes startups soooo much faster. You could use a standard HDD as your main storage and have the remainder of the SSD (partition a section off for your OS) as cache.


Are you going to be overclocking your CPU? If so, what kind of cooler are you going for?


In terms of GPU, I would look at either single or dual AMD 7970 or GTX 760/770 (whichever you can afford to get the most of)


Also, for a PSU, I would reccomend http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139011 over the one you chose. I have had back luck with thermaltake PSUs in the past, plus the corsair is gold certified fully modular and SLI/crossfire ready. and, its only $10 more than the one you chose.


The level 10 GT is a nice looking case, but you also have options in the NZXT Phantom 820, Corsair Obsidian 800D,

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Guest Aristo
I would strongly look at getting an SSD. You wouldnt have to make it large, maybe only 128GB, just enough to put your OS on. It makes startups soooo much faster. You could use a standard HDD as your main storage and have the remainder of the SSD (partition a section off for your OS) as cache.


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Guest SudzMcDuff

I accidentally pushed back and lost the novel I wrote in my reply :(


SFC has already hit on a couple of the points that I was going to make but here are my thoughts.


- get an SSD. If you're sinking this much money into a PC, it would be foolish not to get one. Put your OS/game data on the SSD and use the mechanical drive for storage. If you play multiple games, I would recommend 240GB.

- for the PSU, I have also had back luck with thermaltake. The one SFC has linked looks pretty solid. I have an OCZ 1000watt that I have had no issues with. Keep in mind future expansion when you pick the wattage of your PSU. Will you add drives/2nd video card down the road? a PSU should last your quite a while.

- if you intend to OC your CPU, invest the money in an aftermarket cooler. Doesn't need to be anything crazy, but stock cooler will limit your Overclocks.

- for video cards do the research on the games you play and which card performs best in those games. I was pretty impressed with the performance of the 770s even though there wasn't a major architectural change with the card.


That's about all I can remember from my first post?

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Guest RET.GEN.Darmine

Also get a SSD for your OS 256gb

1TB HHD for other files and games

GPU go with a 770 SC if you can (SLi later)

Get the Motherboard to match socket types I.E. LGA2011 or 1150

Really all you need is 16gb of ram. (Up to you)

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Guest RET.GEN.Darmine

1150/4770K that is right below the i7 3930K in bench marks if you get this one you can keep your current motherboard. and use the 300 extra to get a 780. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116901




If you want to keep the i7 3930K this is the motherboard close to your first choice.http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131801

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Guest KSp1ke

Are you going to be overclocking your CPU? If so, what kind of cooler are you going for?


Also, for a PSU, I would reccomend http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139011 over the one you chose. I have had back luck with thermaltake PSUs in the past, plus the corsair is gold certified fully modular and SLI/crossfire ready. and, its only $10 more than the one you chose.


I will probably overclock but I'll have to learn how to do it first.

I also went with the PSU you suggested, thank you.

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If you are planning to overclocking the CPU its slows the RAM speeds down have you considered that?


My BF4 build is very similar. I looked at how long I plan on using it. 3.5 to 4 years hopefully.


I have even dropped from 32 to 16Gb to start with saves 160.00.

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Guest KSp1ke
I accidentally pushed back and lost the novel I wrote in my reply :(


SFC has already hit on a couple of the points that I was going to make but here are my thoughts.


- get an SSD. If you're sinking this much money into a PC, it would be foolish not to get one. Put your OS/game data on the SSD and use the mechanical drive for storage. If you play multiple games, I would recommend 240GB.

- for the PSU, I have also had back luck with thermaltake. The one SFC has linked looks pretty solid. I have an OCZ 1000watt that I have had no issues with. Keep in mind future expansion when you pick the wattage of your PSU. Will you add drives/2nd video card down the road? a PSU should last your quite a while.

- if you intend to OC your CPU, invest the money in an aftermarket cooler. Doesn't need to be anything crazy, but stock cooler will limit your Overclocks.

- for video cards do the research on the games you play and which card performs best in those games. I was pretty impressed with the performance of the 770s even though there wasn't a major architectural change with the card.


That's about all I can remember from my first post?


Would it be better to get two 760s rather than one 770?

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Guest KSp1ke
If you are planning to overclocking the CPU its slows the RAM speeds down have you considered that?


My BF4 build is very similar. I looked at how long I plan on using it. 3.5 to 4 years hopefully.


I have even dropped from 32 to 16Gb to start with saves 160.00.


Never knew it would slow ram, probably won't overclock then and will just stick with the stock fan provided with the CPU.

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Guest Halabrad
I didnt know it would affect your RAM either. I have my 3570k OC to 4.4GHz but it doesn't seem to affect anything that drastically. I would not completely forgo overclocking, as you are missing out on a pretty decent performance boost. If you went down to 16GB of RAM (dont really need 32 unless you are doing rendering/3D modeling/ video editing a lot) you could use the money that you save to either get a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181032 (and i also suggest getting a couple morew high performance fans for a push-pull set up) if you are looking for a descent closed loop liquid cooled. or you could look at some of the higher end air coolers
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