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Barbarians needed for 6/27 8pm est

Guest PFC.Hawkeye366=US=

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Guest hairy_ape

hairy_ape's Application

In-game name:


How did you hear about =US=? (Include link if there is one)


Preferred branch of service:

No Preference

Geographical Location:




XFire ID:


Former Clans (include URLs, if available):


Rank, name and date of discharge from =US= (former members only):


Favorite BF3 weapon AND vehicle:


Tell us about yourself:

im a good humoured easy to get on with guy. I put a lot of effort into what I do and like being part of a team. im a serving member of the irish defence forces and have being on multiple UN missions.

Why do you want to join =US=?

Be part of a team. learn something new. have a goal to achieve. use some communication in bf3.

Other games you play:

all the arma games and a few other randoms.

Can you attend our weekly meetings?


How many hours per week can you devote to =US=?


Can you attend clan practices and boot camps, follow the chain of command and actively participate on the forums and TeamSpeak?


Do you have any experience with websites/forums, recruiting or other special clan-related activites?


Here in Unknown Soldiers above all else what we look for is respectful, Dedicated members who if cannot be active will at least notify their next in command of the situation per requirement. Is this something you can do?


Did you read the info on this page? http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/barracks/showthread.php?13144-Learn-about-the-Unknown-Soldiers

read and understood

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Guest CanisSapien

Welcome again to the Unknown Soldiers.

Based on branch numbers and clan membership needs you have been placed in the Navy.

Your TeamSpeak login information will be sent to your private messages. Please add your Branch chain of command to your Battlelog friends list, this can be found in the previous reply to your application. Please contact Cpl.CanisSapien on when you will be free to conduct your BCT E-0 training. To avoid delays in becoming a full member in the Unknown Soldiers, Contact your branch chain of command these members can be found in the private message incoming to your "Notifications" inbox shortly. "Notifications" can be found at the top right of this page and will indicate when you have a new message, this may require a refresh.

Once we schedule a time to go through your initial E-0 training I will teach you the necessary rules and regulations of the clan. Be sure to check the Basic Training forum for important information, and to ask questions during your recruit phase. Please add me on battlelog. (You will have 5 Days to contact me or risk possible denial of your application)

Best of luck,

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