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BF4 Feature List

Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=

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Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=

OK, I moved this thread since it was getting extensive.


Points of interest listening to the replay of their 6/11-6/13 live stream combined with notes from MP1st HERE:


Squad Level Notes

- Field upgrades that will work similar to 2142.

- Field upgrades completely replace the specialization system.

- Field upgrades are non-persistent upgrades for your squad during that match only

- Everyone in your squad contributes to the points required to acquire field upgrades. This could be things like following orders from the cmdr to cap an objective.

- When your squad is wiped, you get reset to the previous level you had. So you only lose the accumulated points you were building toward the NEXT level.

- There will be 4 levels to acquire, but that number is not set in stone.

- Squad Leader accepts or denies orders from the commander.

- Tentative examples: sprint boost, ammo boost, etc. There also might be vehicle-oriented specializations, etc. This one is pretty wide open.


Weapons and Attachments

- 20x scope

- Same kits as BF3 with basically the same functions. However, in the multiplayer footage, we see a Recon plant C4 on the tank.

- Faction-specific weapons still happening, with universal guns just like BF3. Each kit looks to be getting carbines and DMR's.

- There is still scope glint, but it actually looks like it's more balanced out than it was in BF3 simply because of the more intense graphics. While it still stands out, it doesn't seem quite as bad because there's so much more going on at once and the graphics are more immersive.

- Ability to multiply scopes/focal lengths to build your zoom level up

- You can also customize your primary and secondary.

- Camos for all weapons even for secondary.



- Flashbang grenade

- Incendiary grenade

- Health and ammo mini boxes that you can place on friendly player and he can move and get the health or ammo. These stick to the player.

- Defibs are confirmed

- Green laser wont give up your position like the red one and it will not blind enemies so much.

- PGL/SOFLAM affects RPGs, Javs, unsure about MLAW

- Engie still gets Repair Tool/Mines

- Support gets XM25 grenade launcher



- Limited ammo supply. It will slowly return after you fire your last round, but after approx. 7-8 sec you will get 1 round back at a time (at least for the tanks, not sure about heli reloads)


All Vehicles: all vehicles classes appear to have several paint options available. More might be unlocked from BattlePacks or from XP using a particular vehicle. Gunner perks now a separate option so you can have gunner and drive perks set without having to change if you switch seats or get stuck in a gunner while have upgrades only for driver



1. primary: choice between 120mm AP (massive direct damage and splash damage against inf) or *new* HE rounds (slower traveling, heavy damage against armored targets)

2. secondary: only option currently available is coaxial LMG (unlimited ammo). HMG will probably come in later builds, and perhaps other options *speculation*

3. countermeasures: currently only IR smoke (similar if not the same as the BF3 version), perhaps reactive armor (?)

4. optics: zoom optics currently. possibly INVR or NV later on

5. upgrades: maintenance currently. not sure what else might be here.

6. gunner optics: Currently zoom optics or INVR

7.gunner upgrade: Prox scan. Currently only available as a gunner upgrade, so you will need 2 people in order to use it.


Attack Heli:

1. primary: Choice between hydra rocket pods (standard rockets, similar to BF3 rockets) and *new*Zuni Rocket Pods (slow, anti inf rockets)

2. secondary: Heatseekers (same as BF3)

3. countermeasures: IR flare (same as BF3), ECM possible later on

4. upgrade: Stealth (BF3), more possible

5. gunner secondary: Guided Missile (BF3), perhaps TV later on, maybe others as well

6. gunner optics: Zoom optics and INVR

7. gunner upgrade: Autoloader, maybe more down the road


Boat: driver controls both primary and secondary. Are equipped with mini guns for passengers effective against light armor and inf., as well as 2 jet ski "escape pods"

1. primary: 30mm HE rounds (high damage against inf and light armor) or burst round (10 round burst of 25mm rounds. effective against aircraft and light armor)

2. secondary: ATGM ( guided missile, high damage against heavy armor and inf inside blast radius) or AA missiles

3. countermeasure: IR smoke, more possible

4. optics: Zoom optics.

5. upgrade: maintenance.



- Reverse takedown -- if you melee from behind, it's the same as from BF3, but if the target has a chance to see you, they can melee back at you, which has the effect of doing the reverse takedown. It doesn't turn into hand-to-hand, it's a one and done thing where you either hit the counter-attack or you don't.

- Completely revamped suppression system... In close quarters fights, there's not that much suppression and suppression is actually toned down on a lot of the weapons. It’s more the LMG’s role to actually be the suppressor.

- Zoom-peak -- If you're behind cover and zoom your weapon, you automatically lean over cover

- From the way the announcers are talking, it's sounding more and more like players choose when the skyscraper(s?) fall.

- Still able to jump from the AC-130, and jump in the cannon.

- Tactical reload, where you lose all your remaining bullets in a mag is a feature that will be in hardcore mode.

- You can fast swim, dive and shoot your secondary (probably just hipfire), use your C4 in the water.

- Ability to shoot over barricades that are just a little bit too high for you to see over. Sounds like it's probably going to be tied in to the zoom-and-peak feature.

- Various "Levolution" related bits that could have an impact on local tactical situations... metal detectors that will sound an alarm when someone walks through, metal security gates in front of a shop that you can put down, vehicle barricades/pillars that are one-way only that can be brought up and down, etc.


Spectating and UI

- Spectator Mode

- Still 3rd-person vehicle camera option

- In-game Battlelog, so hopefully that means we won't have to re-launch the game when we want to switch servers, but we'll see.

- 4 simultaneous spectator slots available during any given match, although that number is not set in stone yet.

- 3rd person, over-the-shoulder camera for 1st person spectating, including seeing their player card with their status, loadout, remaining rounds, kdr, etc.

- Free-float spectator camera for cinematic footage and open camera that can go anywhere and point at anything with minimal HUD, and ability to toggle all that on-screen stuff on/off so you can actually record clean footage.

- They redid the ammo count system, so instead of seeing the round in your current mag/total remaining (i.e 27/125) it will go by bullets in the current mag/remaining mags, and should you throw away a half empty mag you lose all of those bullets



- There are 4 pillars and you need to destroy all of them to make the skyscraper fall. I think I heard it takes 2 explosives to destroy one. And after it falls you have a dust cloud, it will take some time to slowly disappear.



- AC-130 (announcement when it deploys so players know to look for it)

- Tomahawk (appears to be fairly slow, but very effective once it gets there -- about 15 seconds estimated time to target)

- UAV scan (15 second cooldown I think)

- UAV-based EMP (long cooldown; won't take down a helicopter or tank, BUT it will take out an enemy commander's UAV for example, so while it will have a bigger impact on infantry, it's not limited just to impacting infantry)

- Vehicle drops

- Supply drops

- Flag and map-specific commander abilities (not sure what those mean yet)

- Commander is NOT a soldier on the field who occasionally pulls up a console. They are full-time commander.

- Tomahawks have splash damage; for example the commander can bring down the skyscraper by launching missiles at the supports

- Commander tabletop is zoomable

- Picture-in-Picture when you click on a friendly unit you see their perspective live in a small size 1st person box off on the side

- It looks like the commander tabletop you can also see projectiles flying through the air, like missiles from an attack chopper look like little explosive icons flying across the map.

- Commander mode tabletop interface available via tablet to the live game server during a match.


Gameplay Issues that should be addressed during Alpha

- Splash damage is fairly weak so far... for example I saw an RPG land less than 3 meters from a guy and he was able to keep firing back with no problem. Another example -- the Viper was strafing infantry with rockets and it took right around 5 or 6 rockets to take out one guy on the ground. Biggest example is, of course, when the tank shoots at the person in the MP reveal footage and hits the wall right next to them.

- Tanks champ a LOT of damage from RPG's. I saw 3 go into the back and side of a tank and it was down to 50% health


^^^ Per Assassin's comments, if health was turned way up for the reveal, that hopefully explains both of the above





I'll edit this post as I keep watching :)


It's still pre-alpha, so I'm not going to post a list of things that look graphical or game issues.

Guest RhinoTech
I'm salivating just thinking about playing this new version. UnkSo, we're soooo going to rock this game!
Guest AssassinX
Something what I found out: There are 4 pillars and you need to destroy all of them to make the skyscraper fall. I think I heard it takes 2 explosives to destroy one. And after it falls you have a dust cloud, it will take some time to slowly disappear. And you have these health and ammo mini boxes that you can place on friendly player and he can move and get the health or ammo. And I heard the tactical reload, where you lose all your remaining bullets in a mag is a feature that will be in hardcore mode. Also they said the health was increased for the E3 Alpha. Defibs are confirmed, they had some problems with them so they are'nt in the alpha. You can also customize your primary and secondary. There are cammos for all weapons even for secondary. It looks like the green laser wont give up your position like the red one and it will not blid enemies so much. The AC-130 is controled by a players. Commander can only spawn AC-130, he can't play at all, only give commands and use the abilities. You can fast swim, dive and shoot your secondary (probably just hipfire), use your C4 in the watter.
Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=
Something what I found out: There are 4 pillars and you need to destroy all of them to make the skyscraper fall. I think I heard it takes 2 explosives to destroy one. And after it falls you have a dust cloud, it will take some time to slowly disappear. And you have these health and ammo mini boxes that you can place on friendly player and he can move and get the health or ammo. And I heard the tactical reload, where you lose all your remaining bullets in a mag is a feature that will be in hardcore mode. Also they said the health was increased for the E3 Alpha. Defibs are confirmed, they had some problems with them so they are'nt in the alpha. You can also customize your primary and secondary. There are cammos for all weapons even for secondary. It looks like the green laser wont give up your position like the red one and it will not blid enemies so much. The AC-130 is controled by a players. Commander can only spawn AC-130, he can't play at all, only give commands and use the abilities. You can fast swim, dive and shoot your secondary (probably just hipfire), use your C4 in the watter.


Added to the list. Good info!

Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=
13. Commander mode tabletop interface available via tablet to the live game server during a match.


Ski, this may be the perfect feature for you to still get in-game while you're travelling and stuck in hotels :)

Guest Halabrad
And I heard the tactical reload, where you lose all your remaining bullets in a mag is a feature that will be in hardcore mode

They redid the ammo count system, so instead of seeing the round in your current mag/total remaining (i.e 27/125) it will go by bullets in the current mag/remaining mags, and should you throw away a half empty mag you lose all of those bullets


also, vehicles have limited ammo supply. It will slowly return after you fire your last round, but after aprox. 7-8 sec you will get 1 round back at a time ( at least for the tanks, not sure about helo reloads)


9. Same kits as BF3 with basically the same functions. However, in the multiplayer footage, we see a Recon plant C4 on the tank.

slightly revamped the equipment as well. engi can use repair tool and mines. Support gets the ammo box (like BF3), ammo pack (stick to people) and XM25 grenade launcher. recon PGL (soflam) affects RPGs as well as Javs, not sure about MLAWS

Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=
Excellent. Added to the list. As a sidenote, I really really like the reload idea. Means that I need to fix the habit of reloading after just about every kill. :)
Guest RhinoTech
Yeah, it'll be a balancing act. I believe it will make us more accurate long-term though. Learning how to manage our bursts, when it's more valuable to scrap those last 5 bullets for a fresh mag, etc.
Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=
I'm pretty sure that one thing I've heard in an interview was, that every class will be able to use C4 in Battlefield 4, but with the limitation you have to choose between a grenade and C4.
Guest Halabrad
I'm pretty sure that one thing I've heard in an interview was, that every class will be able to use C4 in Battlefield 4, but with the limitation you have to choose between a grenade and C4.

From what Ive seen in the game play footage

I havent seen any other class with C4 apart from recon. However, seeing as this is still pre alpha, that is still likely to change
Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=
I could possibly wrong. I don't really know anymore whethere I heard it in an interview or read it on a news page, which may have had wrong informations.
Guest RET.CW4.ThievingSix=US=

When i read flashbangs i remembered my CS days, and then i thought of 64 player close quarter maps.



Guest RET.Maj.SKI=US=
Ski, this may be the perfect feature for you to still get in-game while you're travelling and stuck in hotels :)


Could be ... I will definitely take a look at it when it is available. I might even have to upgrade my iPad if I can't round up enough $$$ to upgrade my PC.

Guest Halabrad

lvlcap just posted up a video about vehicle customizations. While there are only a few upgrades available during pre alpha, there will likely be more in later versions. The main features are:


All Vehicles: all vehicles classes appear to have several paint options available. More might be unlocked from BattlePacks or from XP using a particular vehicle. Gunner perks now a separate option so you can have gunner and drive perks set without having to change if you switch seats or get stuck in a gunner while have upgrades only for driver



1. primary: choice between 120mm AP (massive direct damage and splash damage against inf) or *new* HE rounds (slower traveling, heavy damage against armored targets)

2. secondary: only option currently available is coaxial LMG (unlimited ammo). HMG will probably come in later builds, and perhaps other options *speculation*

3. countermeasures: currently only IR smoke (similar if not the same as the BF3 version), perhaps reactive armor (?)

4. optics: zoom optics currently. possibly INVR or NV later on

5. upgrades: maintenance currently. not sure what else might be here.

6. gunner optics: Currently zoom optics or INVR

7.gunner upgrade: Prox scan. Currently only available as a gunner upgrade, so you will need 2 people in order to use it.


Attack Heli:

1. primary: Choice between hydra rocket pods (standard rockets, similar to BF3 rockets) and *new*Zuni Rocket Pods (slow, anti inf rockets)

2. secondary: Heatseekers (same as BF3)

3. countermeasures: IR flare (same as BF3), ECM possible later on

4. upgrade: Stealth (BF3), more possible

5. gunner secondary: Guided Missile (BF3), perhaps TV later on, maybe others as well

6. gunner optics: Zoom optics and INVR

7. gunner upgrade: Autoloader, maybe more down the road


Boat: driver controls both primary and secondary. Are equipped with mini guns for passengers effective against light armor and inf., as well as 2 jet ski "escape pods"

1. primary: 30mm HE rounds (high damage against inf and light armor) or burst round (10 round burst of 25mm rounds. effective against aircraft and light armor)

2. secondary: ATGM ( guided missile, high damage against heavy armor and inf inside blast radius) or AA missiles

3. countermeasure: IR smoke, more possible

4. optics: Zoom optics.

5. upgrade: maintenance.

Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=

Added to the list -- excellent info!



When i read flashbangs i remembered my CS days, and then i thought of 64 player close quarter maps.


lol... hopefully they're designed well so people can't just spam them and feel no effect themselves. Or there's some way to stop a Support guy from sitting on an ammo box infini-blinding people.

Guest RET.TSgt.Warlord=US=
I believe Warlord will be number one world-wide with that XM25 Grenade Launcher, since I know Warlord loves to troll with explosives *evil laugh*
Guest Prostego
I noticed a few minor tweaks to the point system. It looks like Spot Assists will be worth More points (25) Also, and I find this one interesting, Support Assists now appear to grant points equal to the amount of health an enemy loses while you're supressing them. making it similar to BF3s Kill assists.
Guest SamCaie
great... now people will LOVE to camp with their LMG & bipod....
Guest RET.Capt.RUSHER16=US=
Guest RET.Maj.ShadowOp=US=

Good reddit thread with tons of info as well:



I'm to lazy to cross refrence this with your list Capt.Kaoss.....have fun.

Guest RET.Maj.ShadowOp=US=

Defibrillators need to be charged before use. (done to reduce revive spamming)


Thank jesus.

Guest RET.Maj.ShadowOp=US=




When he drops the tank through the floor....that was awesome.

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