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Guest MadButcher

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Guest MadButcher
I was wondering what everyones thoughts on camping are. Today I encountered probably the most extreme form of camping I have ever seen and if annyone wants I can upload the match to youtube so people can see for themselves. ( I was camping to) Our spots were conflicting and he probably suffered 15-20 deaths because of it.
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It depends. Bipod/Recon camping an objective is totally legit, but if you run upstairs in a really obscure building there's just some idiot lying on the ground in a corner on the top floor with an AR or shotgun or whatever just waiting for someone, then that's just plain ridiculous.
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Guest Halabrad
Pretty much anytime someone (and more often than not its recon, though not always) posts up in an area away from any objective just to take pot shots (prime example are the mountains/hills by the uncaps on firestorm) are what I consider camping. It's not at all effective for your team, unless you put up a soflam in which case you don't even need to be there as well. But if you find a well defensible position on an objective ( kitchen alley for example) I tend to think of that as more defending as opposed to camping.
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Guest RET.SSgt.Haterade=US=
One factor in this equation that hasn't been talked about is whether or not you continuously go back to the same position over and over after being killed. If you find a good spot to cover an objective or a chokepoint on the path to the objective, that's fine. But if you bipod up, get some kills, die, and then run back to the same exact spot, you're camping. Clearly you're not playing that spot for a tactical advantage if you're being shot off your perch; you're just camping.
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Guest Halabrad


What if said spot was advantageous to holding an objective as well as being a high traffic area ( watchigg bendy from rug spawn on bazaar for example)

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Guest RET.Maj.SKI=US=

My assault kit contains a tent, campfire, and s'mores. If I find a good spot that I can over watch a flag, or the well traveled path to a flag, look for the smoke from my camp fire. I can't run and gun like you younger guys and I sure can't shoot as well. Set out some claymores to defend the position, throw some ammo out for your teammates, load up the extended mag, roll out the sleeping bag and pray and spray.


I have found that the majority of the people who complain about campers have been killed by them.

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Guest RET.SSgt.Haterade=US=

What if said spot was advantageous to holding an objective as well as being a high traffic area ( watchigg bendy from rug spawn on bazaar for example)


It's not really advantageous if you're getting your head shot off. You should at least change your angle of attack and not go to the exact same spot.

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Guest Halabrad
My assault kit contains a tent, campfire, and s'mores. If I find a good spot that I can over watch a flag, or the well traveled path to a flag, look for the smoke from my camp fire. I can't run and gun like you younger guys and I sure can't shoot as well. Set out some claymores to defend the position, throw some ammo out for your teammates, load up the extended mag, roll out the sleeping bag and pray and spray.


I have found that the majority of the people who complain about campers have been killed by them.


That sounds like my kind of kit CW3. BF3: camping edition (cheesy pun is cheesy)

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Guest Exla357

I just got out of a match on Armored Shield where camping helped my team greatly. Here's what happened:


Our team had all the flags except echo (we were US). I paradropped of the Gunship with a PP-2000, REX, Ammo Box and C4. I parked myself inside the building next to where the mobile artillery spawns. Everytime someone tried to cap Echo, I would pop out, shoot them, and then go back into hiding. At one point, it was 3 Spruts, 4 infy, a mobile artillery and a mobile AA against me on the flag. The only difference was, they didn't know I was there. I hunted down the infy when they got too close, and C4'd the vehicles if they came near my hiding spot (the minimap was very useful). Anyway, within 5 minutes I had cleared 10 people off the flag, without anyone noticing me. At this point, some teammates came in and capped it with me. This is a perfect example of how camping works well. Guerilla tactics work well, and being in enemy territory lets you squad hop so you can get a lot of people behind enemy lines, which is what I did.

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Guest RET.Maj.SKI=US=
I just got out of a match on Armored Shield where camping helped my team greatly. Here's what happened:


Our team had all the flags except echo (we were US). I paradropped of the Gunship with a PP-2000, REX, Ammo Box and C4. I parked myself inside the building next to where the mobile artillery spawns. Everytime someone tried to cap Echo, I would pop out, shoot them, and then go back into hiding. At one point, it was 3 Spruts, 4 infy, a mobile artillery and a mobile AA against me on the flag. The only difference was, they didn't know I was there. I hunted down the infy when they got too close, and C4'd the vehicles if they came near my hiding spot (the minimap was very useful). Anyway, within 5 minutes I had cleared 10 people off the flag, without anyone noticing me. At this point, some teammates came in and capped it with me. This is a perfect example of how camping works well. Guerilla tactics work well, and being in enemy territory lets you squad hop so you can get a lot of people behind enemy lines, which is what I did.



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