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Vehicle Spawn Camping

Guest Element14

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Guest Element14

Pretty interesting ideas about vehicle spawns and giving some incentive for folks to PTFO, if there was incentive needed... Thoughts?




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Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=

Seems to be a really well considered idea. The basic idea to "buy" vehicles is pretty good, however I don't think the scoring scheme mentioned in the video isn't enough to be effective in vehicles. There should be something like a timer, where you regain all your Battle points if your vehicle gets destroyed in the first few seconds being inside. Sometimes there are just baseraping helicopters which keep destroying the enemy helis. If you buy them and get destroyed instantly you should be able to take it again.

Also vehicles like the Transportation Heli shouldn't be bought, because they're not really giving you any unfair advantages and you should obtain more Battlepoints when flying it for a spawn inside of it or passenger kills.

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Guest Faiakitsune
I kinda like the idea.It's really annoying having some recon take a jet,fly it straight into a mountain,only to get there fast and then forcing you to wait ages for it to respawn if you wanna fly one
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Guest Doubleome

Only problem is if your team is being hammered gaining points and taking vehicle to fight back will be more difficult wont it ? Ofc they can adjust that, but it most likely be unbalanced like any of these kinda systems are.


They are gonna have to innovate a lot in BF4 to save the title, not much has been improved actually most of it went backwards since 1942.

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Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=
Only problem is if your team is being hammered gaining points and taking vehicle to fight back will be more difficult wont it ?


I think at one point in the video he talks about if one team is losing by a lot, the points required to buy a vehicle would be reduced so it didn't unbalance too fast.

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Guest Skulker
one poster on youtube mentions Homefront uses it, great idea I would like to see it in BF. In fact some of the ideas Homefront had for mp were pretty cool the game not so much, but some of the parameters and concepts like the battle commander game mode was equally cool....
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