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Watch the Mars Rover land tonight at ~130 AM EST

Guest Snapptastic

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Guest tripmine253

Thanks for the reminder bro. I hope it goes well for Wall-E


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Guest Snapptastic
no problem yall, i cant wait to see it. i just hope its not some huge epic fail, imagine how the guys at nasa would feel lol
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Guest Element14
Yeah that would be a bummer. Even through failure NASA can learn something though. At least if something goes wrong, lives are not lost in this mission.
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Guest RET.SSgt.SonicMulisha=US=

We here in Idaho are very proud of the Mars Landing. One person from the INL (which is 2 hours from where I live at) had some involvement in developing a portion of the Mars Rover.



I cant wait to see the landing and the what we can discover about the "Red Planet"

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Guest Snapptastic
it was so awesome to see that and then see all those people who worked on it cheering. what an accomplishment
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