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Basic teamwork

Guest MadButcher

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Guest MadButcher
Lately one thing I have noticed when playing is that everyone looks the same direction. This gets a lot of peole killed and loses games. If you see 5 team mates watching one door it would be wise to watch a different door. This is basic teamwork and has been severly neglected lately.
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Guest Doubleome

I always have the habit of looking behind the team and moving abit slower to clear every direction, sometimes helps a great deal vs these sneaky ninjas trying to kill a whole team from behind. But mostly I still get shot when the rest of the team fails to shoot the baddies infront :)


But I agree, most people dont. Everyone has flanked right side sliding doors as US in Metro and be able to kill 10+ people without any looking at you.

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Guest Texan
butcher thanks for the post, if i could put it shortly, its a game we treat it like a game but thats all it will ever be, but if you put yourself in a situation i can only die once i think youll watch your back more, thanks for this iam going to set up a MOUNT shoot house and make everyone in the NA tuesday navy pratice go in a house and can only fire two bullets to the head of the opfor as targets on hardcore w/o shooting eachother. should be fun
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Guest RET.SSgt.Haterade=US=
butcher thanks for the post, if i could put it shortly, its a game we treat it like a game but thats all it will ever be


This is a silly statement.


The Sergeant is right. It's exceedingly easy to figure out where people are looking and/or covering; just look at the freakin' mini-map. Not only can you see where people are, you can see where they are looking (the point of the triangle shows where they are faced). I've noticed quite a few people here don't have good minimap awareness.

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Guest Element14

Good point SGT MadButcher. Besides the "teamwork" aspect of your post, it sucks getting stuck in a corner or in between a bunch of people due to congestion as well. That's another added bonus of looking somewhere else. I agree with you SSG Haterade, I look at my mini map every second at least. The point you made can be taken a step further to figure out what lanes are being covered by your team as well. No sense in clumping up looking at one lane when there are 3 others around you that nobody's covering.



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Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=

Stacking up too many people at all can be dangerous, let alone not having them cover all directions. If people are stuck at a particular entry and they can't breach, you have two options - 1. Be "that guy" who attempts to Rambo his way through the door to at least distract the enemy enough for teammates to push in, or 2. Find a flank. Option 1 can sometimes work, but not ideal. Option 2 is obviously a better choice. However, there is no such thing as Option 3 saying "stand there with the rest of your team for awhile, standing on an ammo box throwing infinite nades waiting for someone else to make a move".


We see this aaaalll the time on every map. One of the few good moments I had in our pub server last night was on Tehran (ironically) and the other team was attempting to move from B to C, and got stuck at the bottom of some stairs. They didn't move, they kept spawning in on each other, rezzing, and they just kept running in from B to that spot and standing there. I happened to have an 8x sniper at that moment, so when I saw it, it was kind of hard for shots NOT to hit a target just about every time.


/**Edit: Well said, Element :D **/

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1. Be "that guy" who attempts to Rambo his way through the door to at least distract the enemy enough for teammates to push in


That is why you have your friendly neighborhood M3ATSHI3LD.

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Guest Texan
This is a silly statement.


No SSG. that was a silly statement.


our branches have tried to put real life team takedown drills into play and they work to some extent but overall "every soldier is a sensor" need to be a key priority

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Guest MadButcher
The thing with complete coverage is that half you team is pubbies and they don't amount to much but metro is the greatest example. When we as clan mates have played together for so long we should now the basics of covering an area. Granted If a pubbie is watching the back door I always try and keep my head on a swivel but as an example if SGT.Airborne and 1LT.Kaossilator are in the lockers watching its entrance we dont need 5 other US guys in the locker. We should be gaurding back escilator or watching the red stairs because if people get up the back escilator everyone is about to have a big problem. This post was mainly just to address the fact that we should treat everything like a scrim when there are lots of us together. The reason behind this is if you go into a scrim and are used to pubbingthen you will play like you are pubbing and as anyone who plays comp know that pub style doesn't work in matches. If we treat pub games more like scrims I believe that we can make everyone into a much more efficiant force and this should help bolster our abilities for Comp.
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Guest miyamotogL

The single biggest improvement that we as a group need to work on is situational awareness and decision making. Like PVT.Element14 said, glance at your mini-map every time you can safely do so.


When you are not in an active firefight or immediate threat of one, glance at your mini-map. In that single glance, a fraction of a second, you can take in a lot of information:


  • Your teammates position, orientation, and movement. If medic, you can tell from the flat-lines if the enemy is pushing a particular position or flanking.
  • The game progress: flags and ticket status You should never be surprised to hear the in-game voice over that says your flag has been neutralized/lost.
  • Enemy movement: If a teammate sees an enemy (even out of the corner of their screen), a red blip appears on the map for the entire team. You can see the one guy that is sneaking toward the rearward flag, or the huge push coming. You can relay that information to the team over TS which allows people to shift in time. I do this *ALL THE TIME*. Half or more of my calls are blips that are on the complete other side of the map from me!


To be an effective player, you need to know where the cover spots are located, the entrances and exits, the spawn points, the choke points, vehicle allocations, and location names.


As for decision making, you need to, in another fraction of a second, process the following questions (in no particular order):

Do you rotate or hold position?


If you move does that open a hole for the enemy team? If there could be an immediate attack, you should not rotate too far out of position.


Are there teammates that are in a closer position to the threat?


Are they rotating? Are they down? If they are down and there is no defense, I would go with a frontal/flanking attack at their rear flag, while the downed players spawn back to defend


Is there a CoC that is dictating squad/player assignments and movement? If you are ordered to a particular spot, you should request permission if there is time


Is there time for the CoC to approve your request to move? Make your decision and make sure you can defend that decision if it all falls apart


Would it be better to counter-attack/defend a different location? If the other team is all out rushing/flanking and you are on the opposite side or rear, YES!


Does the current turn of events compromise my current position? The teams position? Then you must do something!


Are there enough tickets to risk losing the bleed or being bled? If the answer is no, you must double down on preventing a bleed against your team! Even if that means just neutralizing a flag and moving to the next.

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Guest miyamotogL
The thing with complete coverage is that half you team is pubbies and they don't amount to much ... Granted If a pubbie is watching the back door I always try and keep my head on a swivel ...


This is an undeniable and unfortunate fact of playing in public servers. The pubbies are absolutely worthless other than cannon fodder. Well that is not true, they do map-spot the other team. This is only worth while if are looking (see previous post).


When we as clan mates have played together for so long we should now the basics of covering an area...


A goodly number of us have spent quite a bit of time playing together. The few of us that have consistently gamed together since the release of BF3 have gotten very proficient working together. Example: I know 8/10 times exactly what LT.2Dye is going to do in a particular situation. All he needs to say is "I am going up rear escalator." and I know what he is going to do. If he is planning something other than that, he calls it.


... if SGT.Airborne and 1LT.Kaossilator are in the lockers watching its entrance we dont need 5 other US guys in the locker. We should be gaurding back escilator or watching the red stairs

I would agree about 99% of the time. If there were an enemy squad in the lockers or a big attack coming up red stairs? Sending a strong force through lockers is a valid thing to do. This all comes back to my previous post about situational awareness. You need to constantly, and quickly, be evaluating the state of the game and making adjustments as needed. This might mean switching your kit, or squad swapping for a better spawn location. Maybe you need to be the one person to high tail it to the far rear flag (either to defend or attack).


... because if people get up the back escilator everyone is about to have a big problem...


+99.9E999999 - When RU are defending B, rear escalator needs to be covered like white on rice. The single worst thing that can happen as RU is getting forced back to A. The only way for that to happen is for US to sneak through to A and pull RU off of B allowing them to be overwhelmed. Once US has C & B, they move up to cover the three entrances and so long as they hold they will win. US should never, and I mean NEVER attack A if they are holding C & B and have strong defenses covering the three entrances (hospital, bendy, and middle). As soon as US push to A, RU can sneak through to C and flip-flop the flags again.


This is so important that I recommend RU to push down to platform & end of the two trains. This prevents the US from staging a concerted attack on or to bust through B.


This post was mainly just to address the fact that we should treat everything like a scrim when there are lots of us together. The reason behind this is if you go into a scrim and are used to pubbingthen you will play like you are pubbing and as anyone who plays comp know that pub style doesn't work in matches. If we treat pub games more like scrims I believe that we can make everyone into a much more efficiant force and this should help bolster our abilities for Comp.


Another +99.9E999999 - YES YES YES!


Final note (for now): We have a number of relatively new players (both to FPS and PC gaming). A number of those players have gotten exponentially better since they first started playing with =US=. It takes time, a lot of time, to get competitive both as an individual and a team.

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Guest Texan
IF anyone likes what butcher is talking about, yall should show up for Tommorrows NA navy pratice at 7pm est iam running a shoot house ill be running it again its really awesome fully tacticul hostage and counter terrorist
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