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Guest RET.Capt.Covert=US=

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Guest RET.Capt.Covert=US=
I was looking to donate and saw the chipin thing when I loaded up the site, but when I logged in, it disappeared. Not a huge deal, but drove me crazy trying to figure out where it was.
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Guest Ddress

Thank you for taking interest in =Unknown Soldiers=. My name is PFC.Ddress421=US= and I would like to offer you a position in the =US=. If you accept this offer, please respond to this post saying that you accept. If you accept, please change your Xfire name to RT.yourname=US=. We will change your forum name for you shortly. For Battlefield 3 it is required that you change your Origin account name to Yourname-US-, and you can do so here: http://www.origin.com/us/change-id. After doing so your name on the scoreboard should look like this Yourname-US-. Your clan rank should be placed in your clan tag, so the final product will look like this: [RT]Yourname-US-

You have 48 hours to accept; if you fail to accept within 48 hours, your application will be denied. At that point you will have to fill out another application if you wish to do so.

You will need to download Xfire and TeamSpeak at:

You will receive your Team Speak registration information from our recruiting staff within 24 hours after you accept this post. This information will either be sent to you via your private messages on our forums (found in the upper right corner of the page) or your Xfire.

As a recruit and a member you must follow the Chain of Command...

Please Add the following COC Members to your Xfire by clicking thier name, THIS IS A REQUIREMENT OF ALL NEW MEMBERS!!!

Command Staff:

GEN.Darmine=US=- Clan Commanding Officer
MajGen.DentalMav=US= - Clan Executive Officer
RDML.STORM=US=– 1st Division Commanding Officer
SMA.Ward – Clan Sergeant Major

Clan JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff):

GEN.Darmine=US= – Clan Commander (Clan CO)
MajGen.DentalMav=US= – Clan Executive Officer (Clan XO)
RDML.STORM=US=– 1st Division Commanding Officer
Col.TMI=US= - Division Executive Officer
SMA.Ward – Clan Sergeant Major
Capt.Xander=US= – Intelligence & Public Affairs Commanding Officer
MAJ.QOTSA=US= -Army Branch Commanding Officer
Capt.Snipedeath=US= - Marines Branch Commanding Officer
CDR.CrAzY_NuTtA=US= -Navy Branch Commanding Officer

Operational Command:

MAJ.QOTSA=US= – Army Branch Commanding Officer
Capt.Snipedeath=US= - Marines Branch Commanding Officer
CDR.CrAzY_NuTtA=US= - Navy Branch Commanding Officer

Recruiting/Training Staff

MAJ.QOTSA=US= - OIC of Recruiting
1stSgt.Spartan-S63=US= - NCOIC of Recruiting
WO1.Pieman=US= - WOIC of Basic Combat Training

Unknown Soldiers Xfire Community

Please add me to your Xfire by clicking here

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Guest RET.Capt.Covert=US=
Nice to see ya covert!!!


Drop in ts sometime, been too long!


I was on earlier talking to Haterade for a bit. I'll see if I can get online tonight

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