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Checking FPS

Guest MadButcher

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Guest MadButcher

Hi I was wondering how to check my FPS in game. The only real reason is everyone is always talking about FPS and I have never really figured out how to check it. On the Internet it sas type in render.drawfps1 and I was wondering if that works. Another reason I wonder is because I want to see how my comp is running bf3 and if I can Raise or lower settings.


Specs: Nvidia GTX260

Intel® Core i7 CPU 920@ 2.67GHz 2.67 GHz

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit



Not sure what I should be running on with this but at the moment I have everything on Medium Except texture which is on ultra.

Guest Optiklown
that will work. then type render.drawfps0 to turn it back off.
Guest MadButcher
Thanks for the info
Guest MadButcher
the one thing worked and it was more of a curiosity than a worry but thanks for the info it seems to run around 35-50 FPs on 64 player maps.
Guest Optiklown
That will work too, as long as your not recording.
Guest Optiklown
35-50 Fps is more than enough for an enjoyable experience. I usually get 35-45 on High settings which I think looks great. This was my first PC game, I was a PS3 player to start with. So my jaw was on the floor when I first bought it.
Guest MadButcher
This is my only PC game I was Xbox360 before this.
Guest EPiiKK
thats great perofrmance from 260, With my oveclocked 560 (Core @ 950mhz) i get around 45-55 fps on 64 man maps on high
Guest famusjupiter
hey you guys - is it possible to manually turn down the fps? or set a fps cap or something? :) I just got an idea... lol
Guest EPiiKK
Yea just dowload the bf3 setting editor. You can change it there


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