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Diablo 3 OPEN Beta Available!

Guest Navi491

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Guest Navi491

Hello Gentlemen,


The Diablo 3 Open Beta is available for download, and gaming from April 20 at 3:01pm Eastern until April 23 at 1pm eastern.


Link to Open Beta info:



Go there, and click on the link that leads to client download.


Its close to 4gb in size.


Myself and SGM.Thievingsix have the client installed and will be gaming it up once live.


Also me and SGM have purchased the full game and will be gaming it up once game is fully released May 15.


My name is Navi491 on Diablo 3.

Guest LTC.DentalMav=US=
will be getting it when it comes out!
Guest ScsiError
ill be on ! i preordered it as well! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
Guest Soldat1288
Downloading!!!!!! a;eifmaeifnmaiehfaehfaiuehfiahergfherigaigh
Guest Halabrad
Downloading!!!!!! a;eifmaeifnmaiehfaehfaiuehfiahergfherigaigh


took the words right out of my mouth Soldat.

PS- on a side note there is a GW2 beta next weekend and if you already preordered you will be able to get it :)

Guest RET.GEN.Darmine
I have had this game on pre-order for a year and a half!!! :D
Guest TheBand
Kind of sucks that I'll be deployed when this game releases, I took part in the closed beta and have been waiting for D3 for a very very long time now. =(
Guest Halabrad
cant you play it during deployment? digital download + down time at some point= playtime?
Guest Optiklown
I have never played Diablo 1 or 2, so I think Ill try this beta out.
Guest TheBand

I'll be on the back of the boat =( The closed beta required an internet connection to play to access your account through b.net, I would think that this would be the same. I don't have the option to access anything like this underway, and my port calls are going to be spent roaming. When I get back this summer I'll have this waiting for me and hopefully GW2 will be close to release.



cant you play it during deployment? digital download + down time at some point= playtime?
Guest Halabrad
it wont let me log in :'(
Guest TheBand

What I got from the initial link was that it was opening up this weekend.


it wont let me log in :'(
Guest Navi491

It goes live 3:01pm eastern time. Thing is servers are so flooded with people trying to login and play that its extremely difficult to get logged in, and once you do you get disconnected from battlenet.


Should be fixed towards later hours of the day as blizz gets good estimate of what their traffic on d3 beta is going to be, and prepares the servers accordingly.

ill be playing it pre ordered it today
Guest RET.CW4.ThievingSix=US=
The servers are easing up and its a lot easier to get in
Guest iNoizZ

Im just in the login screen :D:D

Add me: iNoizZ

Guest RET.CW4.ThievingSix=US=

You can add me, you need the number at the end of your battle tag to add people.



Guest iNoizZ
You can add me, you need the number at the end of your battle tag to add people.




Ah in that way. Then this is mine: iNoizZ#1916 :P


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