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Kony 2012

Guest EPiiKK

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Guest EPiiKK

This really moved me, wanted to share and create conversation with you

Guest xprowlerx

Oh man...that is a really touching story there... It all makes me sad knowing that regardless what and how hard people will try they will never be as effective as, say, a geological journal survey showing gas deposits in uganda...I am sure he will be arrested or killed, but before you even realise it 10 others like him will rise...


I'm not saying this from a pessimistic point of view but to point that the problem we should look at is WHAT generates these monsters or if you want, what kind of conditions allow these people to take power. In my mind it all comes down to money and economic inequalities throughout a word...


and NO this is NOT a pro-communist propaganda....we just need to realise the fact that capitalism works this way i.e. adding burden in the form of debt to people and nations ... will always result to an aggressive movement for great powers ...In the case of weak countries like middle eastern and african ones when this burden (debt, inflation, unemployment) drives them to a humanitarian crisis state, one idiot ''saviour'' will rise selling them false hope etc and name his madness as a revolution after a while start killing his own people or becoming a terrorist organisation ... This is an equation that was repeated over and over again (germany, libya, rwanda, uganda, russia ... the list is endless )....


I don't have the solution, but the only clue I have is that this system that we live in is to blame primarily. I don't want to see any new versions of Stalin and Hitler arising but at the same time I cannot tolerate the world being dictated by bankers. In either case a child will be abducted, murdered, starve to death or work to death in some mine somewhere in asia.


I was part in different movements however my experience ended always in disappointment so for now I m just burning my brain by playing battlefield and avoid thinking these things. We are all dropped in this ocean... we HAVE to swim somehow.

Having said that I'm not undermining any efforts for dealing with individual world criminals and terrorist. International efforts and individuals contributing to this kind of movements can make some difference .. saving even one child's life is an act towards our purpose as humans i.e. become humans.

Guest iNoizZ

Holy crap...

This will making him famous, exactly what is needed. This guys doesn't deserves murder, just being locked up forever.

Guest EPiiKK
Oh man...that is a really touching story there... It all makes me sad knowing that regardless what and how hard people will try they will never be as effective as, say, a geological journal survey showing gas deposits in uganda...I am sure he will be arrested or killed, but before you even realise it 10 others like him will rise...


I'm not saying this from a pessimistic point of view but to point that the problem we should look at is WHAT generates these monsters or if you want, what kind of conditions allow these people to take power. In my mind it all comes down to money and economic inequalities throughout a word...


and NO this is NOT a pro-communist propaganda....we just need to realise the fact that capitalism works this way i.e. adding burden in the form of debt to people and nations ... will always result to an aggressive movement for great powers ...In the case of weak countries like middle eastern and african ones when this burden (debt, inflation, unemployment) drives them to a humanitarian crisis state, one idiot ''saviour'' will rise selling them false hope etc and name his madness as a revolution after a while start killing his own people or becoming a terrorist organisation ... This is an equation that was repeated over and over again (germany, libya, rwanda, uganda, russia ... the list is endless )....


I don't have the solution, but the only clue I have is that this system that we live in is to blame primarily. I don't want to see any new versions of Stalin and Hitler arising but at the same time I cannot tolerate the world being dictated by bankers. In either case a child will be abducted, murdered, starve to death or work to death in some mine somewhere in asia.


I was part in different movements however my experience ended always in disappointment so for now I m just burning my brain by playing battlefield and avoid thinking these things. We are all dropped in this ocean... we HAVE to swim somehow.

Having said that I'm not undermining any efforts for dealing with individual world criminals and terrorist. International efforts and individuals contributing to this kind of movements can make some difference .. saving even one child's life is an act towards our purpose as humans i.e. become humans.


Wise words mate.

Guest Brunno
I just saw and bought my kit. I really hope that make him famous and stop him!
Guest Soldat1288
I have yet to watch, but I've been seeing it everywhere. I'll let y'all know what my opinions are on it, or comments.
  • 3 weeks later...

i dont want to be too critical about it here.. but the researching of the story has flaws the makers of this movie are somewhat shady, and all this appeared about half a year after oil has been found in that country.


i'd be a mad man to stay this happens on purpose :D

Guest Texan
FACT: 80 per Of money went tohim 20 only did ork... But i msged 100 ppl fb 400 and twittered 1k
Guest Halabrad

not to rain on anyone's parade, but in all honestly IC and Kony 2012 is a load of crap. Of all their income, only about 30% actually goes to helping uganda (and roughly 10% of that goes to helping only about 700-800 kids) while the other 70% pays for marketing/advertisements/airfare/ or goes strait into the 3 co founders pockets.

Also, the images and video cllips in that movie are from about 10 years ago, and in no way dipict what is currently going on in Uganda. Kony is no longer in Uganda, the LRA is MUCH weaker than what it appears to be, and Uganda is trying to recover from what this man has done. It would be like making a movieabout Bin Laden and selling pro- Bin Laden merchendise after 9/11 ten years after it happened.


If you truely want to help Uganda (or any other country) there are plenty of other more reputable charities such as the red cross (Invisible Children wont let an outside company audit thier expenses, which is a big red flag for charities)


and like RET.CPO. K3V1N said, there was a HUGE (2 billion barrels estimated) oil reserve found under Uganda, so if the US does get involved, it wont be to stop some african warlord. It will be to secure said oil and give the US a front seat to the new oil market



Just my thoughts on this.

Guest RET.SGT.iambrian=US=
while i agree that they dont necessarily spend their money right, you have to at least give them the fact that without the IC there probably would not be any real emphasis on the problem. Sure USAID helps sub saharan africa out with food, but the govt's of the whole area are horribly corrupt, hence black hawk down.. That being said though, even though there isnt a ton of funding to africa from IC, i had a buddy who worked for them who got killed by a terror attack while he was helping to set up schools and stuff, and not to get all religious or anything, but he was a good christian guy that was really in it for the right reasons. he really wanted to help as many people as possible, and didnt care about all of the hipster bracelets and all the other crap they put out. I think they made a movie about him, at least he is on the cover of one of them, i never watched it though, maybe someone knows how IC portrayed the whole incident better than i do. All in all, the whole concept needs to be taken with a grain of salt. There is no use in sending military forces over there, because someone else will rise up, look at iraq. and shelling out all kinds of money from a federal standpoint is fiscally irresponsible when our own deficit is in the trillions. maybe this is all just the libertarian talking in me though lol


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