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Mass Effect 3 call for a boycott.

Guest Big_Forte

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Guest Big_Forte

Check this out, and tell me what your opinion is?




TBH. I already have the collector's edition, and I'm not backing away from it. This last minute info put a lot of people in a rage because of the leak and then rebuttal. Frankly I think EA is the most rotton gaming company on the face of the earth, only a smidgon behind Zynga...


If you want to hear something juicy behind Zynga (makers of Facebook giant Farmville, etc). One of the developers were told by the CEO something along the lines of "I dont want inovation, I want copies." Basically they are dumbing down all old and various game themes and monetizing the hell out of it...lol.


But EA is just pitiful...pitiful.


Activison is a close 3rd. They run their studios into the ground and burn out their employees like they are expendable.

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Guest RET.SSgt.Haterade=US=
It's just another example of gamers feeling entitled so they whine and stamp their feet. EA is in the business of making money and they will make a boat load of it because people will threaten their little boycott but buy the game anyway. Companies go the DLC route because one reason: it sells.
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Guest xSubo
oh im sure this will all only get worse too, wouldn't be surprised to see the whole pay to play model become standard in games in the next few years.
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Guest RET.CW4.ThievingSix=US=

I think its only fair gaming companies should be entitled to create any business model they wish. Sure gamers may boycott, but who really loses out. The gamers. Unfortunately happiness does not put food on the table for people who publish and create the game. That being said the developers don't necessarily see enough of the profits.


There will be limits in the future, that will be established with no doubt impending legislation regarding fairness of sales via digital medium, but because the medium is so new, there is hardly any precedence and hence the market is "free". Much like laws regarding bait and switch advertising, or false advertising, there will be something in that form in regards to digital sales which are near unrestricted at the moment. I would like to see in the future a limit on exactly what is a "game" and how much content can be added as a percentage of the main game. i.e. limiting breaking games down into just chapters which you have to purchase separately. Nobody will buy 1 chapter of a book, they will want the whole book. This in-turn limits the scale of DLC.

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Guest lizzared

In short, my opinion has always been that gamers should let the capitalist market take care of itself. Once a gaming company puts its hand to far into the cookie jar, it WILL get slapped. But we have to remember that these games are optional. So instead, we should focus our energy on combating unethical practices in the government/politics arena. In the long run, a game is a game, it wont damage our jobs or families, but unethical legislation, politicians, and government employees can really do a lot of very real damage.


(I'm not advocating what you should get involved in, or what side you should take, just become part of the discussion. And change the focus on what upsets you.)

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Guest DragonBoon

Do I want the game? Yes I do. Do I care about investing more money then initially planed? No I don't. Do I think it's that big of a deal they made a day 1 DLC? Seems to be unfair, but nooo...wth cares. Do I think that EA pitiful capitalistic organization? Sure I do, but that's how todays business is running. You want good games, you'll have to pay for them. They make the prize, you pay it, if you think it's not appropiate, just don't buy it.


Generally spoken the ordinary customer is not in charge to make decisions about game developers and publishers firm policy. If you want to have an influence into it, go, learn the job and applicate for a change.

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Guest famusjupiter

This is why companies as soulless, immoral, and apathetic towards their customer base, as Zynga, Activision, and EA, will continue to be multi-billion dollar companies, and even continue to GROW ----> because the people who keep them in business, US, talk and talk and whine and talk some more about how terrible things are and companies are, and then at the end of the day DO NOTHING. Worse, do nothing and continue to buy the next game these companies crap out for us! Every time!


In this country, as well as the rest of the 'developed' world for that matter, with what people are taught are okay nowadays, and the ideaologies that people are given and raised to adhere to, the companies that conduct themselves like this are not the ones to curse -- though their philosophies and ways of conduct are kinda deplorable to anyone with a working spirit, soul, what have you, in my opinion, they are not solely responsible for these things. The customers that put up with their conduct and give away their hard earned money to keep them in business, that basically TEACH them that how they 'behave' is okay, that its ok to treat customers the way these despicable corporations do - THE CUSTOMER has the responsibility on their hands, for condoning and even _sponsoring_ this type of corporate conduct.


It is ALL of our responsibility to not just talk about how messed up these companies are, but to DO something about it - even something as simple as spreading the word about how they treat their customers, and personally never buying their products again --- no matter HOW awesome their new game is, you know?

We have the capability, and therefore the responsibility, to address this -- and instead of talking, I feel like we should all think about _how_ important these feelings of indignation and sleight are to us. If they are that important, than it may be worth posting something somewhere about it - and thinking about possibly not buying the next game they dangle in front of our faces like a piece of meat. Or something like that anyways - I feel like there is a lot of talk about these things, and not much usually happens. I feel like we have the ability to influence what direction the companies of the world go in, and I feel like it's CERTAINLY an important enough topic to condsider, one that will affect us more and more as time goes on, and consider how we can possibly help - help our world stay a relatively decent place for us commoners to live in.


For what it's worth, I think this sincerely deserves saying here.

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Guest KageOokami
I personally just pre ordered the collectors 1day prior so i could get all of the awesome exclusive pre order//collectors stuff as well as the DLC included for not to much more than the standard. And im happy about it. if people dont want to buy the game now. They are missing out on the end of an amazing trilogy. Iv played only a few hours and i love it so far. FYI the DLC is awesome stuff.
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Guest DragonBoon
...first world problems...


Wholeheartly agreed Sir! There are far more worse problems on our planet.


It is ALL of our responsibility to not just talk about how messed up these companies are, but to DO something about it - even something as simple as spreading the word about how they treat their customers, and personally never buying their products again --- no matter HOW awesome their new game is, you know?


Name me a blind and idiotic consumist. But I want the game, the game wants me to have it...I get the game...it's very simple. In our position there's absolutely nothing we can do against the monopolistic behaviour of super companys. If you want a change, you first have to learn the job and then climb up all the ladder to the very top of said company. But believe me one thing...as soon as you've reached the top of the ladder, there are other problems you have to deal with then investing 5$ into a new DLC. Mass Effect is an outstanding game series, just as Dead Space is, and just as Sims3 and most of all other EA titles are. What do you think is the reason for the quality of their games? Because they give them away for free? Developing games costs money, developing awesome games costs a huge amount of money.


That's the basics of democracy and free market. Companys have to grow in order to stay alive, if they stand still they're prone to get bankrupt.


If you rage on forums about the questionable attitude of todays game companys, it just lets you look like a rage nerd. And ontop of that you won't achieve anything. Always remember one thing. People going into forums to complain are a minority. Most people are satisfied with how things are running today. It's not like I'm not living in a wealthy country, have a good job that gets well payed and generally living a comfortable live. So is it worth it to complain about 5$? Don't worry, be happy...;)

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Guest famusjupiter

Ok very true :) but where I come from, some people have to save up for the two months leading up to a game's release, just to buy a game -- DLC? That's more saving up.


Now if it's $5 dlc, i truly apologize for complaining, for that's a really small price to pay to experience awesomeness - and if you're right that people are generally happy with how things are in the corporation/consumer relationship, then cool -- I just think that their attitude of "we charge what we want, if we feel our profit margins need buffing, before taking a salary cut, an exec. will INVARIABLY just tack on an extra $10 to the end user's price.


You can't tell me that _everyone_ is just okay with that, because _everyone_ is rich enough to just hang with it - there are people who recognize the strength and direction of grassroots organizing, which, mark my words, will be necessary within our lifetimes, not just in the political realm, but in the business/commercial realm as well - it's ok now, but what happens when inflation goes thru the roof because our countries (or mine anyways) can't figure out what "financial responsibility" means?! Guess who will foot the bill, and guess whose pay won't be being increased in order to compensate for it?? mine and yours, and everyone else's.


When that happens, because it DOES cost a lot of money to develop games - money well spent in my opinion :) -- but when this happens, and the game company's expenses go up, and they have a history of offensively poor customer service, like EA, where do you think they will place the burden?? On the consumer who is already being overtaxed by food and housing expenses, whose pay has NOT been increased to compensate for inflation, because the companies need to still make a profit, duh, and they can't do that by just giving money away you know -- and then games go from $60 to $80 -- or even $100 dollars!! Or pay to play, or chapter by chapter, or base loadouts available, but if you want a SCOPE on your weapon, well, that's gonna cost you $5 bucks -- like Zynga, for example, already does.


This may not be a big deal to people whose finances aren't a problem, but we the people decide what's acceptable and what's not. No company will continue to operate the way it does, if people aren't buying their product - especially if it's been voiced that "this" is why we aren't buying -- "we love your product, but change your methods or we will ruin you".



If enough people were to actually care about corporate responsibility, the situation of the consumer, and the situation of their fellow man, something could be done to make the relationship between business and consumer, better -- which, if left unchecked, is like a love relationship. You're in a relationship with somebody that gets drunk on power and hits you sometimes - no big deal cuz you can take it. They hit you up for money for this new thing, every week. Thats ok because "I've got a good job, it's cool".


That's fine, for now, because, in this metaphor, they also entertain you and provide social interaction and stimulation - despite the cost, they are really GOOD for you! Right?


What happens when the economy starts getting bad for your significant other -- and for you?? If you've let this treatment go unchecked and unopposed, you will find yourself getting hit a lot more often to compensate for their "frustration", and despite your deteriorating economic condition they will hit you up for money even more? You're struggling to make ends meet, and where are they now? This favorite pastime of yours, despite your everlasting support, is no longer there for you. Meanwhile, they just move on to richer people and richer people, jacking up their price even more to compensate for only being accessable to this smaller audience -- and you get dumped!! :) Which is your fault, because all the while you condoned and even sponsored their behavior.


If you're thinking "dude what gives?? Everything's fine right now, you're making a big deal out of something that I'm well-off enough not to care about, and isn't even HAPPENING right now!!", think of this -- I _LOVE_ video games, I really do - and they are coming to love ME, more and more and more as time goes on - which I love. I think $5 for DLC on the last game in an awesome trilogy, is an absolute STEAL! Also, if my new game that I want has online capability, I'll GLADLY save up the sixty five bucks for the game, cuz I know I will more than get my money's worth! BF3, I've had it for three months now, and paid full sticker price for it, brand new in store; I feel I've more than gotten my money's worth, from this AWESOME, somewhat flawed but still pretty sweet game that has helped me through a tough week or two, introduced me to new friends, and gave me something exciting and challenging to look forward to - I play online almost every day, and I've TOTALLY gotten my money's worth out of this puppy.


BUT -- when we consumers act like drug addicts, in the sense that we don't care HOW our dealers conduct themselves or treat us, as long as they've got our "stuff" -- and we're willing to pay whatever they ask, do whatever, and put up with whatever they ask, in order to get it. Seriously. Look up in the forums how many people had problems with installation -- I myself had an issue that took me TWO WEEKS to get a hold of somebody at EA who actually knew how and cared enough to resolve it. Look in the forums, I am not alone - and just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean you shouldn't care.

EA has terrible customer service, Zynga and Co. have terrible business ethics and practices, and if we continue to sponsor these sorts of things, we WONT see the consequenses now -- heck there might not even be a problem right now, cuz hey we can still pay for it, who cares?! But as these companies grow and as economic situations decline a bit, by the time we see the consequences of allowing companies to operate unchecked, it will be WAY too late to do anything about it. And it'll be a lot more important, because we won't be so financially well off to just pay whatever, you know what I'm saying?


One of the great things about living in a capitalist system, contrary to what DragonBoon was saying, is that we DO have control over how businesses are and what they do. Devoting twenty years to rising thru the ranks of a company to install ones self in a position to change things, would work, yes, although when you get there, INDEED there will be bigger fish to fry, from your new perspective, naturally - not even critically - it makes sense and is totally right-on!

However the more effective (and less time consuming) way of effecting change in a capitalist society, is based on the principle that there is no business without customers. If we organize and care enough about our fellow man, our society and our country's well being, and our future - indeed even your own future - as you could do all you can to keep your good paying job, and succeed, but some douche elected to the presidency could end up ruining your economy and leaving you without a job _anyways_ -- and if not you, this may happen to your neighbor - living in a box while you're playing your hundred dollar video games selfishly and ignorantly next door :) lol


In my country the Tea Party has achieved a lot of messed up (in my opinion) things in recent years - and I've heard it said that "despite disagreeing with their cause, we've all gotta hand it to them - they got ****ed, they got together and STUCK TOGETHER, they made their voice heard, and they wouldn't go away -- that's how you get things done!"

and this outlines EXACTLY what each and every one of us who care about the common man's situation in the long run, can _do_. We the people have been given the power, the only question is wether or not we as a whole give two rips about ourselves and others, enough to _use_ it - and politicians and today's businessmen count on the answer being NO.


Although what do I know, if everybody is okay with how things are going for themselves and their fellow man, in the big picture as well as the small one, then that's cool - I'm not a rage nerd, I just didn't know everybody was cool with how the business/consumer relationship is!


I mean after all, they truly do put out some awesome experiences, right? And what's more important than experiencing an awesome virtual experience, right? Especially if you've got the money to comfortably do so, right?


I love my video games, and I'm willing to pay for them too just like everybody else -- money WELL spent, for me! :) But I also realize that just because I've got my little video game and I'm getting better at it and I'm getting an education and I've got a good job lined up, doesn't mean that everything is okay - not to sound cliche, but the governmental/financial complex AIMS to keep the majority of people happy and satisfied with the toys they create. And while we're playing with the toys they sold us, peoples and even entire countries are being brought to ruin by governments and corporations alike, and being assimilated into the service sector permanently, or going back to farming if they're lucky enough to have the means to do so. This happens while companies, corporations, governments, exploit the people that hold them up - this happens while we're busy playing with our digital toys that we had no problem paying for.


Just saying, if there is anybody that these issues ARE important to out there, as these ARE real issues, there is things that can be done. Organize, vocalize, and DO the things that our capitalist systems give us the rights and abilities to do -- because if it's somebody else being ruined and exploited today, and not you, depending on how things go that are out of our control if we do nothing, it MIGHT BE YOU that gets ruined TOMORROW -- and when that happens, wouldn't you like to still be able to afford to play some video games?? Or set it up to where our children can play without a lot of hassle or having to make fifty bucks an hour to afford 'pay to play' games?


Don't get me wrong, I love video games and my fiancee and I have spent over fifteen hundred dollars on gaming stuff in the last year or two -- which is a lot of money to us! But it was money well spent -- first night we had a gaming system, was two years ago, and it was an Xbox 360 -- we got call of duty black ops, and all we did that first WEEK was ust cuz these things don't affect you right now, doesn't mean they wont, and doesnt mean there isnt people that ARE affected by these things right now. I know the gaming companies aren't responsible for the evils in the world, but they are _truly_ "another brick in the wall" - and anyone who knows what that means, will hopefully care about what I'm saying. Those are the people who I was attempting to appeal to.


I'll shut up now :)

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Guest EPiiKK

I don't want to get into any argument for this but i need to say that this is better than game developers to put dlc into the game and release it months later as "brand new" content wich has happened and i believe everyone knows where...


E: they are realeasing new game, awesome game most likely even tho i've never gotten into ME series, if you want to pay more for little more content you can, it's not like you HAVE to buy them. Game companies are just like any other companies. they create a product and try to make as much money out of it as possible, that's basicly why concept of dlc exists now days...

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