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Guest RET.SGT.iambrian=US=

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Guest RET.SGT.iambrian=US=

I know this should be in the video page, but its too good for that..

so, that being said. watch this and become a better American. If you are european.. well, just dont be a communist and ill be satisfied.


Guest famusjupiter

I am not a huge fan of death, but I do agree with what Reagan says there - I don't agree with a lot of where he and his succesors went in regards to treatment of the people of his _own_ nation, but I am proud that we have the spirit and perspective and resolve that he talked about, in regards to defending ourselves against outside forces.


"rather live on his knees, than die on his feet" - I would rather die on my feet struggling for freedom, equality, liberty, and security, than _ever_ settle for living on my knees or in shackles.

Guest XRyan99

While I really enjoy war related video games I can say I despise war altogether, for quite sometime now I've educated myself on both Canada and the United States war history. To-date the only war wroth fighting was world war 2, freeing several races from obliteration. We all hold our own belief's and mine are simple war is a power struggle to control what is otherwise not controlled by us, things that may not be dealt with the same as the western society would like doesn't make it wrong. Take the war in the middle east for example, several brave men and women went over and will never come home. The united nations as a whole has left middle eastern people homeless and starving and crippled whatever economy they had. In our life time or the next history will repeat its self and perhaps we'll be the victims of war. I'm in no way a tree huger but there's always a better option then war. The media just has a way of putting a spin on things to make it seem necessary. If only we sent martin luther king to fight our wars the world would be a different place.


Yes this video is inspiring however it also sends a backwards message that war is necessary when called upon but is it always? The more allies you have the better, the United nations is making no allies in the war against nothing. Granted I'm from Canada but we have service men and women too, two of which happen to be close family members. I do agree with one thing in that video, if ever the United states was at war on their land or ours, I'd be the first to sign up to hold the line sort of speak. I just don't stand for bullying even on the biggest scales.


Sorry if my views don't coralline with yours.




Guest RET.SGT.iambrian=US=
it is a power struggle, and nobody will disagree with that statement.. however, if it were not for war on the US side, especially in a defensive stance, we would get obliterated. I am in the military, so obviously my views are different than yours lol, but it is more a video for people to watch what is coming of america, and that we need to do something about it. It almost doesn't really even touch on war, once you look deep into it. I will prob step on some toes here, and i apologize, just hear me out.. but.. if someone like MLK were to fight all the battles with words, he would be killed, look at the likes of Hitler, he hated black people, jews, etc etc. also, if america/canada/rest of the west were to do nothing about the middle east situation, there would be nothing preventing further attacks by Al Qaeda. They hate our liberal western ways and our christianity, that will never change, and they will never change in a desire to destroy us, from their radical muslim perspective (dont get upset, I know 99% of muslims aren't radical and plotting to take over the world)
Guest XRyan99

I did not realise you were in the army, just to be clear I meant no offence. The video you've posted here is touching and I've probably watched it 15 times since I first saw this post. What I found was that the visual aspect of the video condoned war but the speech was about keeping peace and liberty for all. I believe war is necessary in a very select few cases WW-ll being one of them. Al Qaeda is an enemy to the western civilisation as a whole. However Al Qaeda does not have the technology to attack the united states on a military scale. One would argue that the national defence for the united states is weaker given the amount of forces over seas. I don't know where your political views stand but for the soul purpose of national defence I believe strongly in Senator Ron Paul, he doesn't believe that the united states should be the police man of the world and I agree. In history empires just as big as the united states have fallen, case and point the Roman empire. God forbid the U.S goes under Canada will not safe. Unlike a lot of Canadians I'll be the first to admit the US is our big brother but things change and super powers will never stay the same.


Sorry I don't mean to derail your thread here however these are the things that came to my mind while watching this video.




Guest RET.SGT.iambrian=US=
haha dont worry bro, no offense taken, you didn't really say anything way opposite of my thoughts. personally.. i feel that our best strategy for the modern world is to.. for one, stop giving everyone money and focus on getting rid of our own debt, and then.. focus on small military teams (SF, Ranger, etc) to go in and get the individuals responsible for terror.. there are 2 theories on defense.. first is Defense in Depth, which focuses on spreading the military out over a large area and trying to be the world police (much like the US is doing now..) That was the reason for the fall of Rome. Now, Rome started with a method called Preclusive Defense, which kept the main forces smaller, and garrisoned, as reserves, and the individual nations under the influence of Rome had the responsibility to protect themselves. When the line was broken, it was only then that the main forces marched in as a reenforcement. If we were to look into doing that, I think we would be better of.. You know, pull out of Korea, Japan, Germany, all 9 million AF bases around the globe, etc etc, we would not only save money, but we would not hold the responsibility of being the puppet-master of the world.. And just like that, everyone is happy.. well, except maybe me because I would more than likely be one of the first to go only being in the National Guard and all.. but still, that would work best. I know it is pretty high level stuff to wrap your head around, and I have had entire semesters on stuff like that, but, you seem like a smart guy, so you should get what Im saying. Also, I like Ron Paul alot.. i just am not a huge fan of his foreign policy.. not all of it, just some of the points seem a bit out there, like good in theory, but in the scheme of the geopolitical sphere of influence the US has, it would simply not be feasible without losing hold of our sovereignty to an extent. Hopefully we dont get yelled at by the higher-ups for our political discussions lol
Guest Spyder5

I personally find this an interesting discussion - I wont put my views forward except one and it is agree USA needs to stop being the world police.

In the interest of members from all over the globe. and one statement made, I hope you do wind this discussion down or move it privately, Im mean that in the nicest way possible , by all means,CC me :)

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TheBand

Airborne, you are disgustingly sick with that thing. I heard about some emails that leaked between Dice/EA and you about how to best design the SCAR around your play style.... grats bud.


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