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MAJ.blurtie's bday

Guest mental696

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Happy birthday Blurtie! [URL=http://imageshack.us][img]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/2577/birthdaycakepicture08ve7.jpg[/img][/URL]
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Guest RET.Realgrunt=US=
[quote=CW3.mental696=US=]blurtie is turning 1000 years old soon :) how does it feel to be the oldest person in the clan?[/quote] Get it right he's 1,231 yrs old. Heres a pic of the birthday boy: [img]http://ericstoller.com/blog/images/starwars/wookie2.jpg[/img]
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Guest RET.SCPO.Mystical=US=
[quote=MAJ.Blurtie=US=]Oh yea real funny. Thanks guys 18 August is the actual day.[/quote] :shock: Are you sure you are not my Mother?!
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Guest IronMike
Are you sure it's the 18th? I mean, they didn't keep written records back then. How'd you get that date from the cave paintings? Happy Birthday, sir!
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Guest RET.Realgrunt=US=
[quote=CSM.IronMike=US=]Are you sure it's the 18th? I mean, they didn't keep written records back then. How'd you get that date from the cave paintings? Happy Birthday, sir![/quote] Cave paintings are correct. He's that old.
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wow blurtie ur bday is a day before mine lol. Have a good one, im looking forward to that session on bf2.
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Guest SFC.No1sadvocate=US=
[quote=MAJ.Blurtie=US=]Oh yea real funny. Thanks guys 18 August is the actual day.[/quote] My dad is the same day!!!
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