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Battlelog and Origin

Guest XeromabinX

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Guest XeromabinX

I don't know about everybody else but Battlelog and Origin feels like outdated garbage. I can get on Steam and decide to go play CS:S and just pull up a menu of servers in game. Or I could choose from my CS friends who might be playing and just decide to join their game through Steam. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Steam is over a decade old and CS:S is getting close.


So why with Origin + Battlelog, which is brand new in the year 2011 is this process turned into a total pain in the ass. If I have people on Origin as a friend, if I join their game I just come to the Battlelog main menu. If I have somebody on Battlelog we have to make a party just to be able to use voice and play together. This would be alright if you could actually get notifications while you're in game, but since Battlelog is browser based you can't.


Maybe I'm just complaining because I'm being a cantankerous old fart for the day and I don't like drastic changes like Battlelog. Honestly though, I feel like there is no use for Battlelog and that it could be easily implemented as an advanced game menu instead. That or have Origin and Battlelog be one thing, have Platoons/Clans, stats tracking, achievements, join games, voice chat, all through Origin instead, sort of like Steam.


I just feel like EA made Origin so that they wouldn't have to go through Steam to sell games, basically so they could make more money. Thing is, Origin is inferior to Steam in so many ways, and it doesn't even seem like they've tried to match features with a popular format. Bottom line they chose money over their customers, just disappointing to me really.


So what do you guys think?

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Guest RET.Maj.ShadowOp=US=

The main reason they had issues with steam was the EULA. Steams EULA was in short, too customer oriented.


Battlelog is fine


I disagree with this.

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