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G5 mouse stop responding?

Guest RET.SSgt.Haterade=US=

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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=

I used to be the gunner for our CAL team way back when for BF2. I love it for BF3 when there's a good pilot, I think we have had a few good sprees together already. Unfortunately my schedule is random and I can't play nearly as much as I would like to. But I would love to be your gunner when we are both in game :)

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Guest RET.SSgt.Haterade=US=

Since about the time I started playing BF3, I'm getting weird problems with my G5. On what seems like a random basis, my mouse will stop responding and its lights will go off. Basically, it's acting like it unplugged. After a few seconds I will hear the Windows beep signifying that a piece of hardware has been plugged in and it will begin working like normal.


I haven't had any issues with this port or mouse before. I've switched ports and I still get the same problem. It sounded like a software/driver issue to me, so I reinstalled Logitech's updated drivers. I'm still having issues and it seems to be spreading. Originally it was just during the game that this happened, but it's been happening more and more often outside of gaming as well.


Any ideas? Could it just be that the mouse itself is dying? I've had it a year or so.

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Guest Navi491

I have the blue Logitech g5 and have had none of these issues. I have had mine for 2+years. Try openning it up and seeing if some wires are loose or the laser has moved out of place. This could happened from dropping the mouse.


Also check your mouses wire, and see if there are any breaks in the wire, as this may cause the mouse to mess up randomly as you have mentioned.

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Guest RET.CW4.ThievingSix=US=
Same thing happened to me with my MX Revolution, what made the problem a little better was reducing the distance between the wireless plug and the mouse. However thats probably not helpful to you :D. I eventually purchased a new mouse and i've never had the problem again. Also i'd check your USB port, in my old pc some of the USB ports started acting funny and dropping out occasionally.
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Guest RET.Maj.ShadowOp=US=

I'd try re-installing your usb drivers as well. Check and see if the thing is under warranty as well. Also i would check and see if the thing is under warranty before you crack it open, most logitech products are covered for a couple of years.


http://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3219 (warranty information)

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