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Teamspeak doesn't work for me anymore.

Guest Goliathos

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Guest Goliathos
Hey guys, just letting everyone know that i can't be on ts anymore because after reinstalling windows some things are buggered in the program. TS wont recognize when i push my talk button so I cant use push to talk therefor i cant be on the server. And before anyone asks, I have gone to the ends of the earth to try to fix this problem. So if you need to contact me just send a pm. Thanks.
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Just some ideas to throw at you, Re-install TS3 (With all the updates you can find) If your running windows 7 try and change the compatabilty or even run it in administor. Re-install windows again? Try and find a patch maybe? Just some ideas just incase you missed something :) SN.David=US=
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run as admin? if it worked before it will work again, don't give up! or just use voice activation...
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Guest RET.Maj.SKI=US=
I still use an old TS3 version. Version 3.0.0-beta31 [Build: 12451] The latest update would not work on my computer either (Windows 7 Ultimate x64). Try installing that version, and ignore the update requests when you start TS.
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[quote='RET.CrAzY_NuTtA=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=75287#post75287']run as admin? if it worked before it will work again, don't give up! or just use voice activation...[/QUOTE] I think the server is still set to force push-to-talk?
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Guest Goliathos
Tried all of these things guys, thanks for your support, but now my problem is even worse. Now, I cant connect to the server at all!!:cry: And yes, Im sure I have the info right, and that damn Micrsoft Sam says, "Error!!"
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Guest Goliathos
There is one other thing it could be. Is our server updated to the latest version of TS, If not that could be why I cant connect.... Nevermind, tried downloading the server version that we have, 300 31, and still no luck. I cant even connect to the public server.
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since you reloaded windows check the firewalls, it may have defaulted to blocking ts. your virus/firewall the same.
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Guest Goliathos
Im sorry Cpt. Its not so much i need help, Ive done everything, (Including Firewalls Thanks Crazy) its more just tellin people i wont be on any more and how you can contact me.
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Dl the free version of this [url]http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html[/url] then uninstall it using the program, try reinstalling. Program is good at getting the nitty gritty that can be missed with normal uninstaller.
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Guest Goliathos
Thanks Cpl. Tried it, didn't work. I suspect the problem is deeper than that, I mean TS wont even recognize when I push my talk key after Ive set it. This though, doesn't explain why i still cant connect to any servers... Hold on, now I can connect to the public server, But i still cant connect to ours!!?? OK, now ive fixed the ptt issue by gettin beta 31 portable. BUT, Still cant connect to our server, has the connect info changed?
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Have you tried connecting using the TSViewer module on the left side of our homepage? There's a button at the bottom that says, "Join TeamSpeak Now"; click that and let your TS launch and try to connect. If it does so successfully that way, at least you you'll know it's possible.
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