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New Years Resolution's

Guest misterwiley1

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Guest TermanatorXxX
1) Get a job. 2) Use $$$ from that job to get my PPL (Private Pilot's Liscence). 3) Look into scholarships for colleges.
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[quote='SGT.misterwiley1=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=23963#post23963']well what are peoples new years resolution's? I resolve to eat less meet. =) crazy but i think i can do it.[/QUOTE] how about completing ur responses in teh recruiting thread lolz!!! jk buddy :D ^_^
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[quote='PV2.TermanatorXxX=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=23964#post23964']1) Get a job. 2) Use $$$ from that job to get my PPL (Private Pilot's Liscence). 3) Look into scholarships for colleges.[/QUOTE] how about consistency lolz? jk as for me, i havent thought about itttt
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Guest misterwiley1
[quote='SPC.Conman51=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=23977#post23977']get a six pack...on my abs b able to bench my own weight at least 10 times in a row build my new comp[/QUOTE] nice
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mhh no real resolutions since i don't smoke and so on... well one don' t get any speeding tickest this year:P oh yeaqh and talk to my investment guy about making 20k in 5 years
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Guest MCPOC. 2DyESaMuRi
^^^ I like the not getting arrested part. Here is mine, finish school and train for college football.
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Guest misterwiley1
[quote='CSM. 2DyESaMuRi','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=24023#post24023']^^^ I like the not getting arrested part. Here is mine, finish school and train for college football.[/QUOTE] yeah i am thinking about High school football
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Guest CPT.BuckShot=US=
I have too many... Buy a Truck; I'm well on my way to that now, thinking about a 2001+ GMC/Chevy 2500 w/ 6.6L Duramax, 1999-2003 Ford F-250/350 w/ 7.3L Powerstroke or a 2003+ Dodge 2500 w/ 5.9L Cummins...either way, definitely diesel =) Get outdoors more, do a ton more Mountain Biking, get up to Tahoe more for snowboarding, and definetely do a bit of wakeboarding this summer. As for eating healthy and polluting less, if it happens it happens...oh well if it doesn't.
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Train for College Baseball. Find a College I want to go to. Make the starting rotation on my HS Baseball Team. Win a Division Title. Get a new car :) . Max out my bench press at atleast 220(Im at 185 right now..Which is 15 lbs over my body weight.) And there are so many more.
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[quote='PFC.Jester19=US=','http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/hq/thread/?postID=24016#post24016']i didnt make a res cuz i dont really do that kind of stuff srry =/[/QUOTE] how about get a personality? OOOOOO BUUURRRNNN BABY!!!!! *maniacal laugh* jk buddy ^_^ see u in 2142, ill be the 1 wiff teh knife in ur arse :P kekekekeke
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LOLZ in ur dreamz boy ill have a monster machine and not even The Dreaded Dolphin-Bunnys would be able to win :P unless they had aimbots which we all know they do neway LOL
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and doomy u will be on teh ground and u will hear a sound a sound of death and fury from teh skies as u see me, and then missiles, and then nothing.. and then on teh screeen u will see... KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE!!!!
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Guest Jester19
i hate TEST's and Exams =/ thats y i am thinking twice before going to college, and no marky u will NEVER beat me let me know when ur 'GAMING RIG' is ready
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