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Division 2 Raid

Guest RET.GEN.Darmine

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Guest RET.GEN.Darmine

We will attempt the raid on Friday after the General Meeting, if you can be there please do. It requires 8 players.


When: Friday After Meeting

Who: (8 Players) Clan Members have priority, if we don't have enough then our guests may join as well

What: Look into the strats that have been played with other groups, we need a solid plan

Where: discord division 2 channel

Why: Exotic AR and new gearsets


Note: This will not be easy and will take good comms and teamwork to finish. It will also take some knowledge on how to deal with each stage. If your build is 450 Gear Score and above you should be good to go. Do not plan to beat it one time go and plan a block of time for this because it may take a bit of time to beat.


Please reply below if you can make it!


Thanks everyone your CO appreciates you! 8)






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Guest RET.GEN.Darmine

Ok updated the post to reflect raid strat videos.


Please take the time to watch them if you plan to be there.

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Guest PFC.TheHamm32=US=

R&U General!


I won't be able to attend but I wish you all good luck and fun on the raid!

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