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Extra Life Please Read

Guest Scotty

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Guest Scotty

Hey Unknown Soldiers,


A short story and then to the point. During the 2018 E3 event me and my cousin has obtained a VIP pass so that we could access the center when media and industry employees were allowed to enter; we were extremely excited and could not wait to experience what this event had to offer. However what we say near the entrance is what changed my outlook on a lot of things. We approached this both called labeled Extra life.

As they explained to use and we heard the children stories and we knew we had to get part and see if we could help in anyway. To the point this is why I ask you to please visit my page, look around and read and hear the stories for yourself. I believe it will at the most at least show you there is a community of gamers and people who truly believe in helping without return to themselves. Please note I am asking you to at least look around if you decided to donate then I will be forever grateful as I know those who receive your donation will, but if you can not donate then please at least share my page as another might be able to; every little bit helps.


If you are interested in joining the community let me know and together we can start a team and work harder to help others in need.


About Extra Life

Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $50 million for sick and injured kids.


ScottyStayFrosty's Page



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