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Navy Awards and Promotions 09NOV2018

Guest RET.CPT.Vogts=US=

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Guest RET.CPT.Vogts=US=

[align=center]Navy Promotions


RT.Morti212 is to be promoted to E-1 Seaman Recruit





CPO.thehamm32 is to be promoted to E-8 Senior Chief Petty Officer


Chief thehamm has proven to be a most valued member to the Navy and it's members. He is always willing to help and step in wherever he can. Our members face a wide variety of challenges in their personal and clan lives, be it Active Duty, Timezones or any problems that arise. The Chief has always been willing to step up, listen and help out where he can. He has proven time and time again that he is more than capable of being Chief of the Boat of the Navy. He has earned his subordinates respect, but also won their friendship, as I have won his. It is my pleasure as much as it is my Duty to reward Chief thehamm for his dedication to the Navy and the Unknown Soldiers.






The Joint Chiefs Staff of the =UNKNOWN SOLDIERS= has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity, and professional excellence of CPO.thehamm32. In view of these qualities and his demonstrated leadership potential and dedicated service to the =UNKNOWN SOLDIERS=, he is, therefore, advanced to Senior Chief Petty Officer E-8, with a date of rank 09NOV2018.




Vogts, LT, Navy, Commanding


Navy Awards


Along with his promotion to E-1 RT.Morti212 is to receive the E-0 BCT Ribbon and the National Defense Service Award.





PO3.jsm67 has integrated into the clan well, and even following a few startup troubles, PO3 has grown into a well versed and commited NCO. He has shown his dedication to the recruits, their intake, their training and their wellbeing in the clan. Under the guidance of Chief thehamm and PO1.Argasio, PO3. has grown into a good InDoc boat leader, as such for his constant dedication to Customs and Courtesies, his dedication to training new recruits and his posture as an NCO, I reward him with the Good Conduct Award.




Along with his well deserved Promotion, Chief has proven himself time and time again as a member of the Navy and an NCO. He has been a well driven machine by my side and has made my life much easier. As such I would like to award the new Senior Chief the Navy Service Award.




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