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Army Awards and Promotions 02JUN2017

Guest RET.CPT.Hammerwolf53=US=

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Guest RET.CPT.Hammerwolf53=US=

Army Awards 02JUN2017


Awarded the Life Saving Medal

Recommended for: PFC.Staydown

Recommended by: SSgt.Gamerbeau

Description: On 27MAY2017, PFC.Staydown was deployed as a combat medic during Arma practice. About half the way through the mission, two members of his own squad were KIA. While under heavy fire, the PFC was able to neutralize the nearby danger, and revive half of his own squad mates. Then sweeping and clearing the remaining threat he proceeded to revive another 2 fallen friendlies from the other assaulting squad, who had lost their own medical support. For his outstanding courage under fire, and ability to fulfill his vital role within the deployed ground forces. I am recommending PFC.Staydown64 for the Life Saving Medal. His first.

Award Image:





Award the Expert Rifleman Medal

Recommended for: 1SG.Draven

Recommended by: SSgt.Gamerbeau

Description: on 27MAY2017 1SG.Draven and I were assigned as anti vehicle personnel for an assault on a large compound. After we had removed several ground vehicles, we recognized a horrifying sound coming in over the din of the battle. Enemy reinforcements being airlifted into the area of operation. With very little time, and a great deal of skill, the 1SG managed to dumbfire an anti-tank rocket launcher from approx 300 meters and completely destroy the incoming chopper along with all 10 enemies on it. This almost single-handedly saved the lives of several members of troops on the ground and greatly contributed to the overall success of the mission at hand. For his valiant effort and accuracy I am recommending 1SG.Draven receive the Expert Rifleman Medal. His First.

Award Image:



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