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New Forums are Live - Read more here!

Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=

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Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=

Welcome back Unknown Soldiers!


The new forums are now live, but we are still far away from being finished. In addition to the planned or promised functionalities that are not yet finished or implemented, there is still a lot of theming to be done. This software contains over 250 template files. A big chunk of those has already been customized to our needs, but there's still a lot that we haven't yet looked at. Hence there will be a lot of smaller - and some bigger - changes made over the upcoming couple of weeks.


If at any point you think something does not fit in or the look of a certain page doesn't feel right, report a bug so we can track it and finish everything as quickly as we can.


Until new guides are written down and the staff becomes familiarised with new workflows, most of the administration work (such as processing applications, promotions and awards) will need to be done by the Engineering HR department. This also means that there is a lot of staff needed, so if you want to help out, please apply here.


There is a lot to be mentioned, so I'm trying to write as much useful information down in no specific order.

  • Too many BBCodes used on vBulletin are not available here or are written differently. Colors were chosen to be legible on our previous dark theme. As such, a lot of forum posts and signatures will look out of place. This is fine for older posts, but anything that you have the permissions to edit should be updated to match the light theme.
  • For the same reason all signatures have been removed. I will be creating created a post containing every clan member's original signature shortly. Once that is up, you can copy your signature's source code and customize it so that it's usable on these forums. Keep in mind that =US= 30.7 still holds true:
  • Some permissions might be wrong. All forums and forum permissions have been migrated, but double-checking over 100 subforums and their permissions if they're still correct after the migration is not feasible within the scope of this process. We'll finish the checks gradually. If you have access to any forums that you know you shouldn't, don't look around in them.
  • The main URL of the forums has been changed from http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/barracks to http://clanunknownsoldiers.com/. The old forums are still accessible for administrative personnel.

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Guest MAJ.Kaossilator=US=

Great work and big thanks to our Engineering Department for the amount of work they have dedicated almost nonstop to this cutover. So far things are looking fantastic, with only a few bumps along the way. All to be expected with any change in systems, and their response time on fixing problems as been outstanding.


Please continue to diligently report bugs using the provided link (here). So far everyone has been doing a great job of following that process. That has been a tremendous help to Engineering in maintaining their fast response time.


Special shout out to @SSgt.Hawkeye366=US= and @RT.marpla78=US= for the amount of time they have both spent identifying and properly reporting bugs and suggesting improvements. It's a team effort, so thank you!

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Great work and big thanks to our Engineering Department for the amount of work they have dedicated almost nonstop to this cutover. So far things are looking fantastic, with only a few bumps along the way. All to be expected with any change in systems, and their response time on fixing problems as been outstanding.


Please continue to diligently report bugs using the provided link (here). So far everyone has been doing a great job of following that process. That has been a tremendous help to Engineering in maintaining their fast response time.


Special shout out to @SSgt.Hawkeye366=US= and @RT.marpla78=US= for the amount of time they have both spent identifying and properly reporting bugs and suggesting improvements. It's a team effort, so thank you!

Sir, thank you MajGen.Kaossilator=US= , just trying to help the Engineering Department so they have a smooth path to work with it, being there in the past and "Two heads are better than one" they said.

I know im not even a full member yet but im here to help as i said. Took the liberty (within the rules off course) and sent some ideas to the team.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Engineering Department


Morning (at least for me) I've just want to congratulate again for the great job done on the new site because since I've being here I've heard that when they are looking for BF1 clan they found our website and they said that looks very professional so they join us or is on their mind, beside the core idea of the clan, let's say this is the face and you guys put a really nice one out there and it's working like a charm.


So outstanding job and I know it's always good to hear that you are doing a great work.


I hope after my E-3 I can help more from the inside.



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