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The Z mouse

Guest RET.COL.SilverEupher=US=

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Guest RET.COL.SilverEupher=US=



I was browsing Kickstarter the other day to see what kind of projects people were working on, and found "The Z", and after watching the video and reading about it I couldn't pass up the opportunity to back it. I saw it would be supported with a 5-year warranty, and they just included an additional attachment so that it can sit up higher in the air while your arm can continue to rest on the desk while you use it to pitch, roll, and yaw (for flight or other joystick-like function). This will work with any game since the mouse is reported as a mouse and a joystick. Backers also get the mouse pad with attached cord manager. If you aren't too familiar with Kickstarter, check the bottom of the campaign's page for the FAQ if you have any more questions about the mouse. There's a lot more features that's great for FPS, driving, flying, and productivity programs, so I won't talk about all of them here.


If you chose to back this to get the mouse, please use the link below, as I get a credit for every person that backs with my link:


Once you back, they will also send you a link you can share.


It has 6 buttons for your index and middle finger that can be customized, and the left and right click are pressure sensitive:




What do you think about it?




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Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=
When I last checked the Kickstarter campaign they still had some Super Early Bird left. From its functionality the mouse looks amazing, but I don't really like it's design too much. Unfortunately I can't really justify getting another mouse (for $150 that is) when I already have two working ones at home. Otherwise I would probably have backed this project.
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Guest RET.1SG.Draven=US=
Roger that sir. I also have several working mice at home as well, but still want to see where this project goes. I believe these guys will revolutionize mice as we know it.
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Guest RET.1SG.Draven=US=

Yes, I realize I am posting on this again...but I just went to the link and did a little research on this mouse.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I would implore you all to do the same. This mouse would have made ALL of us better at BF4, and yes, even 1stSgt.RTL would've been able to actually hit something in a tank ;)


Jabs aside, the tilt function alone is what is selling me on this mouse. Let alone it having separate buttons just under your index and middle fingers as they rest on the mouse (just behind the left and right traditional mouse click) for additional mapping. I just love the idea of being able to fly easier with this mouse...but it also has other functions for those of us that aren't solely into gaming - multiple gestures allowing the users to pan, copy/paste and other productivity functions as well.


Sure, I am not sold on the design either (aesthetics) but just imagine playing Rainbow Six and being able to quickly "tilt" your mouse to peek around a corner? Or having the option of being able to look around the battlefield as you are flying? Sure, the option to "free look" has always been there, but I have always found it to be a little tedious, especially since I have my DPI set so high for when I am flying.


I have never endorsed a product before, but today, after reading a little more into this one, these guys have my "backing".


If you are in the market for a mouse, or even if you aren't and love the next best thing, take a look at this product and see for yourself.

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Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=
I don't know whether you'd really have an advantage in quick paced games like rainbow six though (from being able to lean with just your mouse). When I try to tilt a regular mouse, it moves a little bit and as such the cursor jumps slightly. In games like Rainbow Six where you're peaking and have to be ready to fire if there are in fact enemies, this little mouse stutter could be devastating. But thank you so much for making me now re-consider whether I want to dump another $140 (~160€ including customs) into gaming hardware SFC :D
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Guest RET.CPT.Hammerwolf53=US=

I'm in!


The functionality of this mouse is exactly what I've been looking for and more. The additional mouse buttons are in a place where I can actually use them. I have arthritis in my right thumb and can only reach one additional button as it stands. I have: (Deathadder Chroma) (Logitech G500s) and (Logitech G502) All good mice but limited functionality for me. Currently using the Deathadder.


A multi functional like this could provide a tremendous gaming advantage. You should at least watch the full video to check out this mouse.


I agree that the aesthetics are not noteworthy, but with the functionality provided I don't care if it looks like a Borg implant. I'm still digging it!


Only concern:


If you do a lot of flying, you will get arm and possibly shoulder fatigue. A proper resting platform for you forearm will be necessary. I noticed in part of the video that the tester did have a small support for a brief time. Perhaps they are testing this type of accessory as well.

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Guest RET.COL.SilverEupher=US=

Yes, 1SG. It comes with supports that go under the body of the mouse to adjust how far you can roll the mouse's body left and right, and you can completely null that feature via the hardware if you find you want it to not do that.


I don't think they put this on the campaign's page yet, but this is what I got in an email the other day that shows what I talked about in the first post. It will be included for free to all backers. It allows the mouse to sit higher for the movement so that your arm can rest on the desk and not have to constantly hover while you fly or whatever you are doing with the tilting.


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Guest FierceAnicon

I feel like a lot of the clan could make use of this. I like my current mouse though. My G600 has never done me wrong. If they could find a way to implement the tilting along with all the buttons I have access to, then I might go for it. But until then, I enjoy being able to tweak my button presses and having lots of options.



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