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Guest Conman51

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Guest Conman51
actually, you should be [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7-MUw9fwZc&feature=player_embedded[/url] Yup, the most played mod for BF2, and mod of the year 08, is coming to ARMA2, id give it a year before it becomes more highly played than ARMA2 itself. [url]http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/77777-project-reality-arma2.html[/url] right now its juts in its beta stage, but will probably grow very quickly, so far they just have British and Taliban in Astan. Its also amazing that all the models were taken from BF2 PR and just moved to ARMA2s engine and they look amazing!!! I totally would join you if my computer could play ARMA2, but it can, maybe some day in the future
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