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Ednac's Naturalization ceremony!

Guest Ednac

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On September 16th I will be attending a naturalization ceremony, so I can officially have a Dual citizenship of Poland and the USA. I'm very excited, as I have worked very hard to become A citizen of the USA. I have memorized the pledge, and the National anthem, which I have to sing/recite at the ceremony as well as lots of other things. I hope everything goes well, and I'll post some pictures in this thread too! Wish me luck because I'm gonna try and sing the national anthem, I've decided. I hope my voice doesn't crack.
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Guest CW4.Sharpz=US=
I should be getting a UK citizenship next year provided I can learn to sing "God save teh queen" :D. Congrats.


Even I don't know how that goes Seaman Recruit :oops:

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Guest Ret.CPO.heavyassault=US=

Congrats!!! I remember when I got naturalized, its definitely a great feeling


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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Here are some pictures from today, I tried to pull all of them for you guys but in a tragic turn of events, my phone has windows 10 now. Some cool stuff here, sorry I don't have a video of me singing the national anthem, I'm trying to get it.


The house with some festive decorations:


A took this photo of a guy from India:


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Guest RET.GEN.Darmine
Glad to have you as a citizen! As I say to all new citizens of the US, get a U.S. Constitution and Federalist Papers, read it, know it and believe in it almost second to your faith(if you are atheist then hold this close like a Christian holds his bible). Defend it and let no Politician (leech) take it.
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