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ok im not sure on what to get

Guest BOON3R

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hey all. i have recently thought and done some research on upgrading my computer. here is the links of the place that i am buying from. [url]http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX21234%28ME%29.aspx[/url] [url]http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX24741%28ME%29.aspx?curtab=2[/url] [url]http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX25807%28ME%29.aspx[/url] i am on a short buget but i have no clue what to get for parts. i wanna stay with ATI and antec. xfire me with what you think at Booner911 or just reply on my topic. thanks guys
Guest RET.CW4.ThievingSix=US=
go for the 750 watt antec if you want the extra power, its better to go with well known companies rather than unknown brands. [url]http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX24742(ME).aspx[/url] And for the video card go with a 5770 or a 5870, there both better than a 4670 [url]http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX26092(ME).aspx[/url] Their a little more expensive but worth it
Ok. Well I don't have the funds for the 5770 ati. So I think I'll go with the 4670. For now. Till I have a steady job to get the 5770 when it goes down in price. Thanks for ur help :)
Guest RET.CW4.ThievingSix=US=
Also since im assuming your Canadian you can take advantage of the newegg store. Thats the truepower, a step up from earthwatts and its for the same price as the other store. [url]http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371025&cm_re=antec_750-_-17-371-025-_-Product[/url] Also i'd really suggest going with a 5000x series of video card, such as the 5670, this is $27 more than the 4670 and is worth it. [url]http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121362&cm_re=5670-_-14-121-362-_-Product[/url] If your really short of money, go with this 5670, its $3 more than the 4670 [url]http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102871&cm_re=5670-_-14-102-871-_-Product[/url] Newegg is also a highly reliable store with good policies
Guest RET.Realgrunt=US=
I have the 5770 1 gig and I can run the BC2 beta on high without any lag. It's worth saving for.


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