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BF2SP Total War Realism Mod, (My Mod)

Guest sw33tsp0t

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Guest sw33tsp0t
Hey guys I made a new mod for bf2, its pretty sweet, its for singleplayer only, if you guys want to try it use the link at the bottom to my filefront downloads page, current version is 3.0 im working on 4.0 Prepare to be engaged in Full Single Player Realistic Combat. Mod is for Single Player only. Mod is made to make the game extremely realistic, also has blood. Also its awesome! here is a changelog: V 1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------- First release, Some kit modifications etc.. Damage and Recoil Tweaks for all Weps Blood Puffs Rotating Maplist Custom Real Weapon Sounds V 2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed Profile Overwriting Bug, now installer will create new profile named "BF2TotalWarPlayer1" for Full Experience Tweaked LMG Recoil. they now are deadly just like in real life. Tweaked Ammo Loadouts, (GL no longer has 12 203's + More) Made all rockets More Deadly, (a rocket can take out a APC 1 hit, and a Chopper 2 hits) for realistic purposes. Rockets also take down infantry now. Sniper Rifles are more Accurate now, and M82A1 Is VERY accurate and has a longer hit range, can also damage/take down light armor, helos, and aircraft with the appropriate amount of shots. Adjusted Zoom properties on M82A1 and other Sniper Rifles, m82 has a much better scope zoom now, other was too much zoom. Adjusted Ticket Ratio so Rounds dont last so long. Adjusted view distance on some maps for Long-Range-Sniping. Included a Bot Changer if 64 Per team was too much for you, or your comp. also has a difficulty slider. Tweaked alot of weapons Accuracy, They are much more Accurate now. China SpecOps no longer has ****ty type 95 spec ops gun, they now get G36C. V 3.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- added a ton of more new maps for SP. fixed pistol damage so their deadly now, no more 6 shot kills with pistol. instead of Bizon AT wep MEC now gets AK101. Added Smoke grenades to assault and support classes. Tweaked Support Ammo kit number, now instead of 10 boxes of ammo there is only 2 for more realistic purposes. Made all original maps thier largest size (except Dragon Valley, wouldnt work), 64 Size original maps now for "total war" :D ! Be sure to Adjust your Bot Slider to ALOT of bots for these huge maps! hopefully your comp can run it! Added a Anti-Personell .50 Cal rifle to US Snipers loadout, antitank rifle was kind of silly for hitting people with, but now he has both. Added PKM to MEC Support Class Loudout. Replaced China Ak-47 Medic Gun with G36e. Edited the medkits to heal a less rapidly for a more realistic effect. Edited the Ammo kits to not replinish, they only get 2 ammo kits now, make them last. Greatly Increased .50 Cal AT M82A1's damage against helicopters/jets and other small vehicles. (for christ sake its an exploding round!) Greatly tweaked the damage on the weapons, now they will most always be a 2 shot kill, or when placed right 1 shot (AK is still slightly more powerful than the M16, LMG's are more powerful than both of these). Had to take out the Rotating Maplist, for some reason its not compatible with the new 64 size maps. :( But, I did edit the map tickets to be larger (600) for large scale longer single battles. also let me know what you think of the mod/changes I should implement **You need all 3 parts of the file for it to extract and run properly, some reason filefront wont allow uploads of more than 600 MB a piece** Here is my mods page on filefront.com. [url]http://www.filefront.com/user/sw33tsp0t[/url]
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Guest sw33tsp0t
remember you need all 3 parts of the file for it to extract and run properly, for some reason people are only getting part 1, you need parts 1 2 and 3. thx again :D good day.
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Guest sw33tsp0t
I apologize guys, seem as if my upload file is corrupt, this issue is because filefront's maximum upload size is 600 MB, I had to split the .EXE into partial files to abide by this upload rule, ive requested filefront let me upload the full file (1.45 GB) to filefront.com , hopefully they will respond soon and Ill have it up and available for Download, thank you for your patience and I apologize. -sw33tsp0t
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
Create a torrent of it. Here is a tutorial. [url]http://torrentfreak.com/how-to-create-a-torrent/[/url] Some people forget that the torrent protocol is great for sharing files and it IS LEGAL. Its only illegal if its copy written material which in this case its not. Once you have it uploaded share the link with us and we can all download and seed it.
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Guest sw33tsp0t
Im re-uploading part 1, part one exe partial 2 was corrupt, something wrong in the upload im sure, because I opened my 3.0 release folder and took out part 1 and 2 just fine, so im re-uploading it now should fix the problem, will be ready in about 30-45 mins, thx for the wait :-)
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Guest sw33tsp0t
Ok, re uploaded part 1 of 3, part 3 of 3 is working fine, I DL'd it and tested it. Part 1 was corrupt before I uploaded it now should be all good to go. thx again, srry for spam lol, good day
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
its only single player like he said, but i'm downloading and seeding the torrent i'll also post on some torrent sites so more people can try this mod
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Guest sw33tsp0t
sweet, glad you guys like it :-) , Im currently working on version 4.0 here are the changes that will be implemented : V 4.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Made Opposing AI (MEC/China) better AI strategies, which means they are on the same pace with USMC. (Smarter AI) Added 1 more smoke grenade to smoke grenade loadout. Lowered ak74u and ak47 recoil just a tid bit. Before recoil was so much you could not hit anything on full auto.. Adjusted Scar-L recoil to be a bit higher, before it was hardly no recoil, China G-Series rifles still have little recoil. Made all rifle ammo loadouts the standard rifle loadout for infantry (6 clips of 30) what effected this was the M4
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
Here is link to the torrent on the pirate bay [url]http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5073476[/url] And the demonoid link if your a member [url]http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/2050529/?rel=1251596733[/url] be sure to seed
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Guest sw33tsp0t
Xander, thx so much for your support, I need you to help me seed version 4.0, its my latest release and should be final untill I decide to start working on 5.0 (importing custom skins/models) here is changelog and links: This is pretty much final version untill I decide to do more with the Mod. Ok, ive just released version 4.0, it includes some tweaks and some additions, it also fixes some bugs that were found in 3.0 here is changelog: V 4.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Made Opposing AI (MEC/China) better AI strategies, which means they are on the same pace with USMC. (Smarter AI) Added 1 more smoke grenade to smoke grenade loadout. Lowered ak74u and ak47 recoil just a tid bit. Adjusted Scar-L recoil to be a bit higher, before it was hardly no recoil, China G-Series rifles still have little recoil. Made all rifle ammo loadouts the standard rifle loadout for infantry (6 clips of 30) what effected this was the Scar-L and the M4 Fixed the zoom factor for the m95 barret, no longer will it have no zoom. So please get latest version if you want no bugs/better physics and some new additions, thx! good day ~ SS Here is Download links : Here is torrent (Full all in one install) Link: [url]http://www.filefront.com/14427719/BF2SPTotalWarRealismMod-4.0.exe.torrent/[/url] Here are the partial files for .Zip: Part 1 [url]http://www.filefront.com/14427713/BF2SPTotalWarRealism-4.0-Part-1-of-3.zip/[/url] Part 2 [url]http://www.filefront.com/14427505/BF2SPTotalWarRealism-4.0-Part-2-of-3.zip/[/url] Part 3 [url]http://www.filefront.com/14427283/BF2SPTotalWarRealism-4.0-Part-3-of-3.zip/[/url] Or, fileplanet for the Full Install Torrent: [url]http://www.fileplanet.com/204378/200000/fileinfo/BF2SP-Total-War-Realism-Mod-4.0-Torrent-%28Full-Install%29[/url] Thx good day, be sure to update it because 3.0 had some minor bugs, this one should be good to go untill I decide to do more. thx ! :-)
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
i'll put it up in a few days, i want this version to get seeded out first. There are a lot of people downloading from me both in demonoid and pirate bay lol if i knew you were so close to releasing this on I would've waited a few days.
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Guest sw33tsp0t
its cool lol, just has some bug fixes/minor additions, pretty much final version untill i decide to import custom models/skins. its a vanilla bf2 realism mod, I seen PR wasnt SP so my mod should be good for singleplayer realism combat. but its runnning off of vanilla BF2 files, still havent imported custom models/skins/textures .. what im wanting to do with this is import taliban MEC skins, and some more weapon additions (hk416 sd, binoculars, rpg-7) models. re texture some of the gear and soldiers to look camoed out/ look better... it will take me a while to do all this though.
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
V4.0 is up on the pirate bay [url]http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5075680/Battlefield_2_Total_War_Realism_Mod_v4.0[/url] EDIT: Here is the Demonoid link [url]http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/2053527/?rel=1251836262[/url]
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Guest sw33tsp0t
New Version: 5.0, Added full Support for the New 1.5 Patch. Has all the new Single Player maps at their largest size. New factions/armies are all edited to realism goodness. so Are the weapons. Full Changelog: V 1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------- First release, Some kit modifications etc.. Damage and Recoil Tweaks for all Weps Blood Puffs Rotating Maplist Custom real gun sounds V 2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed Profile Overwriting Bug, now installer will create new profile named "BF2TotalWarPlayer1" for Full Experience Tweaked LMG Recoil. they now are deadly just like in real life. Tweaked Ammo Loadouts, (GL no longer has 12 203's + More) Made all rockets More Deadly, (a rocket can take out a APC 1 hit, and a Chopper 2 hits) for realistic purposes. Rockets also take down infantry now. Sniper Rifles are more Accurate now, and M82A1 Is VERY accurate and has a longer hit range, can also damage/take down light armor, helos, and aircraft with the appropriate amount of shots. Adjusted Zoom properties on M82A1 and other Sniper Rifles, m82 has a much better scope zoom now, other was too much zoom. Adjusted Ticket Ratio so Rounds dont last so long. Adjusted view distance on some maps for Long-Range-Sniping. Included a Bot Changer if 64 Per team was too much for you, or your comp. also has a difficulty slider. Tweaked alot of weapons Accuracy, They are much more Accurate now. China SpecOps no longer has ****ty type 95 spec ops gun, they now get G36C. V 3.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- added a ton of more new maps for SP. fixed pistol damage so their deadly now, no more 6 shot kills with pistol. instead of Bizon AT wep MEC now gets AK101. Added Smoke grenades to assault and support classes. Tweaked Support Ammo kit number, now instead of 10 boxes of ammo there is only 2 for more realistic purposes. Made all original maps thier largest size (except Dragon Valley, wouldnt work), 64 Size original maps now for "total war" grin ! Be sure to Adjust your Bot Slider to ALOT of bots for these huge maps! hopefully your comp can run it! Added a Anti-Personell .50 Cal rifle to US Snipers loadout, antitank rifle was kind of silly for hitting people with, but now he has both. Added PKM to MEC Support Class Loudout. Replaced China Ak-47 Medic Gun with G36e. Edited the medkits to heal a less rapidly for a more realistic effect. Edited the Ammo kits to not replinish, they only get 2 ammo kits now, make them last. Greatly Increased .50 Cal AT M82A1's damage against helicopters/jets and other small vehicles. (for christ sake its an exploding round!) Greatly tweaked the damage on the weapons, now they will most always be a 2 shot kill, or when placed right 1 shot (AK is still slightly more powerful than the M16, LMG's are more powerful than both of these). Had to take out the Rotating Maplist, for some reason its not compatible with the new 64 size maps. sad But, I did edit the map tickets to be larger (600) for large scale longer single battles. V 4.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Made Opposing AI (MEC/China) better AI strategies, which means they are on the same pace with USMC. (Smarter AI) Added 1 more smoke grenade to smoke grenade loadout. Lowered ak74u and ak47 recoil just a tid bit. Adjusted Scar-L recoil to be a bit higher, before it was hardly no recoil, China G-Series rifles still have little recoil. Made all rifle ammo loadouts the standard rifle loadout for infantry (6 clips of 30) what effected this was the Scar-L and the M4 No longer will the M95 Anti-Personell rifle for US sniper have no zoom, it has zoom on scope now.. (some coding error of mine) V 5.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Support for 1.5 Patch, All the new maps with AI, and the Total War Realism Settings. Tweaked EU Kits and Loadouts. Tweaked EU Weapons Accuracy/recoil. Made all new maps 64 Player size only for total war. here are the links for the download, which is torrent only, the reason of this is because no install maker I can find supports over 2GB .Exe Size, the reason it is this large is because all of the new maps.. So use a torrent downloader. I will seed all day and night. Links: [url]http://www.mininova.org/tor/2911086[/url] - Mininova [url]http://www.filefront.com/14450253/BF2SP-Total-War-Realism-5.0-Release.zip.torrent/[/url] - Filefront [url]http://www.fileplanet.com/204697/200000/fileinfo/BF2SP-Total-War-Realism-Mod-5.0-Torrent-%28Full-Install%29[/url] -Fileplanet Xander, Help me seed this new version too, lol sorry for so many, wouldnt have happened if 1.5 Didnt come out right after 4.0, thanks!
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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
lol alright i have to download v5 still i grabbed the torrent from mininova once I have it downloaded i'll throw it on pirate bay and demonoid. All the seeding is making my ratio super high so I have no problem.
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Guest sw33tsp0t
Good News, From the Earlier bad news, there was a SP bug/error when a bot or human fired a .50 cal , the whole game crashed. this is now fixed in this newer version, (5.0.2) so this one is 100% stable and should be the FINAL version of 5.0 Total War Realism Mod. v5.0 adds support for 1.5 patch with all the new maps/tweaks for new factions. V 1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------- First release, Some kit modifications etc.. Damage and Recoil Tweaks for all Weps Blood Puffs Rotating Maplist Custom real gun sounds V 2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed Profile Overwriting Bug, now installer will create new profile named "BF2TotalWarPlayer1" for Full Experience Tweaked LMG Recoil. they now are deadly just like in real life. Tweaked Ammo Loadouts, (GL no longer has 12 203's + More) Made all rockets More Deadly, (a rocket can take out a APC 1 hit, and a Chopper 2 hits) for realistic purposes. Rockets also take down infantry now. Sniper Rifles are more Accurate now, and M82A1 Is VERY accurate and has a longer hit range, can also damage/take down light armor, helos, and aircraft with the appropriate amount of shots. Adjusted Zoom properties on M82A1 and other Sniper Rifles, m82 has a much better scope zoom now, other was too much zoom. Adjusted Ticket Ratio so Rounds dont last so long. Adjusted view distance on some maps for Long-Range-Sniping. Included a Bot Changer if 64 Per team was too much for you, or your comp. also has a difficulty slider. Tweaked alot of weapons Accuracy, They are much more Accurate now. China SpecOps no longer has ****ty type 95 spec ops gun, they now get G36C. V 3.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- added a ton of more new maps for SP. fixed pistol damage so their deadly now, no more 6 shot kills with pistol. instead of Bizon AT wep MEC now gets AK101. Added Smoke grenades to assault and support classes. Tweaked Support Ammo kit number, now instead of 10 boxes of ammo there is only 2 for more realistic purposes. Made all original maps thier largest size (except Dragon Valley, wouldnt work), 64 Size original maps now for "total war" :D ! Be sure to Adjust your Bot Slider to ALOT of bots for these huge maps! hopefully your comp can run it! Added a Anti-Personell .50 Cal rifle to US Snipers loadout, antitank rifle was kind of silly for hitting people with, but now he has both. Added PKM to MEC Support Class Loudout. Replaced China Ak-47 Medic Gun with G36e. Edited the medkits to heal a less rapidly for a more realistic effect. Edited the Ammo kits to not replinish, they only get 2 ammo kits now, make them last. Greatly Increased .50 Cal AT M82A1's damage against helicopters/jets and other small vehicles. (for christ sake its an exploding round!) Greatly tweaked the damage on the weapons, now they will most always be a 2 shot kill, or when placed right 1 shot (AK is still slightly more powerful than the M16, LMG's are more powerful than both of these). Had to take out the Rotating Maplist, for some reason its not compatible with the new 64 size maps. :( But, I did edit the map tickets to be larger (600) for large scale longer single battles. V 4.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Made Opposing AI (MEC/China) better AI strategies, which means they are on the same pace with USMC. (Smarter AI) Added 1 more smoke grenade to smoke grenade loadout. Lowered ak74u and ak47 recoil just a tid bit. Adjusted Scar-L recoil to be a bit higher, before it was hardly no recoil, China G-Series rifles still have little recoil. Made all rifle ammo loadouts the standard rifle loadout for infantry (6 clips of 30) what effected this was the Scar-L and the M4 No longer will the M95 Anti-Personell rifle for US sniper have no zoom, it has zoom on scope now.. (some coding error of mine) V 5.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Support for 1.5 Patch, All the new maps with AI, and the Total War Realism Settings. Tweaked EU Kits and Loadouts. Tweaked EU Weapons Accuracy/recoil. Made all new maps 64 Player size only for total war. **Warning:You must have a .Torrent Downloader such as Bittorrent or Azureus Vuze to Download .Torrent Files** Here are the Links to the NEW UPDATED version : [url]http://www.filefront.com/14453847/BF2SP-Total-War-Realism-5.0-Release.zip.torrent/[/url] [url]http://www.mininova.org/tor/2912672[/url] [url]http://www.fileplanet.com/204727/200000/fileinfo/BF2SP-Total-War-Realism-Mod-5.0-Torrent-%28Full-Install%29-**Fixed**[/url] Thanks have fun, enjoy ~ss
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Guest sw33tsp0t
Finally 5.0 is final, here is the last addition.. v 5.0.3 Just came out with the latest release, v 5.0.3, it includes major balancing tweaks to EU faction and The previous Crash Fix. **1.5 is required for 5.0 install** V 5.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Support for 1.5 Patch, All the new maps with AI, and the Total War Realism Settings. Tweaked EU Kits and Loadouts. Tweaked EU Weapons Accuracy/recoil. Made all new maps 64 Player size only for total war. V 5.0.2 ------------------------------------------------------ Fixed Crashing Bug on SP Maps V 5.0.3 ------------------------------------------------------ Mostly EU Faction Tweaks and Changes. lowered the explosion radius on the grenade launchers significantly, This was almost Halved. because before it was way to high, and you were always getting killed by 203's/gp30's because the explosion radius was so high. this is now fixed. Made EU L86 GL More deadly, on par with GP30 and M203 Made HK46 EU Machine gun more accurate when in appropriate posistions Increased EU Sprint times to be on par with USMC/CHINA/MEC Edited the Hk53a3 to be a tid bit more accurate. FAMAS Works very well now. L96A1 Is very accurate and deadly now, as intended. Removed Boat wars And Sea Wars maps, as they do not apply to the theme of the mod/Also they were crashing for some Unknown reason. For some reason the AT Rockets splash damage was taken out in the 5.0.2 release, I reinserted it so it has a Splash damage effect, so it can take out multiple enemies when placed right, as in previous versions. Download Here: [url]http://www.filefront.com/14454601/BF2SP-Total-War-Realism-5.0.3-Full-Release.torrent/[/url] - Filefront [url]http://www.mininova.org/tor/2913187[/url] - Mininova [url]http://www.fileplanet.com/204735/200000/fileinfo/BF2SP-Total-War-Realism-Mod-5.0.3-Torrent-%28Full-Install%29[/url] - FilePlanet
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