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BLUE SCREEN and CPU Overheat!!!

Guest Syntheticx3

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Guest Syntheticx3



Yesterday, my screen went white while playing with a few members...


After that I cant even switch my PC on without going into Safe mode because the blue screen kept popping out...


Does this have something to do with my CPU overheating or dust???


Please help, I can't even play right now...


And I am using safe mode with networking right now...

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Guest Nightwolf

I've experienced something similar. For me, my power supply wattage was too low for my high end cpu/video card and it ended up frying the power supply and motherboard.


I wouldnt touch the CPU because the pins on the back are very easy to break (trust me ive done it before).


So possible problems -

1. Something on the motherboard fried

2. Your hard drive cant start the boot up process correctly

3. Power supply could be going bad. Mine started up and then would shut down hours later and eventually never starting

4. If all else fails it could be the cpu but thats the last resort


It could very well be a overheat issue but i doubt it. I would have to guess its something like an antivirus/program that's preventing you from a proper start up.


I would try a system restore

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Guest StealthF117

I have more experience on the software side than the hardware side (so I can't speak to that). I've seen a lot of blue screens caused by the OS being corrupt. I typically just wipe out the OS and that resolves the issue (assuming it's software related). Unfortunately you'd lose everything if you haven't backed it up.


If you'd like to try that and need help with it, let us know.

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Guest Syntheticx3

I've tried system restore, but nothing changes...


I guess, I have to reformat my PC...


Ergh...My files...Such a shame...

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Guest CenturionOne
If your computer straight up blue screens what you can do is write down the code that pops up (in the form 0x000000) and look up what it is. A lot of times when you have to start up in safe mode it's a software issue (usually a nasty little virus from an individual with no life) or like Pvt.Nightwolf said, something on your motherboard fried or you need a new power supply.
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