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Guest soco

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Updating now, live as of 4am EST

Patch notes not available yet




14-55% faster (whoever is running dual ATI cards will get ridiculous benefits)


Driver will be here: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-catalyst-windows-beta.aspx (they had bug with 14 so they just took it down)




1.2GB origin update, which may be related to other updates


Also server update incoming

Server Update 106318

Official servers where the experience is set, map rotation's default size for the game mode is locked and can't be tweaked by vars.maxPlayers command.

Enable packet loss logging in the dedicated server runtime logs

"Netcode" fix to reduce network traffic

Vars.vehicleSpawnDelay command will be executed at the end of the round or if the round is restarted.

Adding validateVars to vars.unlockMode to return a nice "ReadOnlyOnRanked" message if the server is "official / ranked".

Improved error handling on reporting statistical data.

Fixed an issue where "skill" was calculated for commanders when quitting.

Fix for issue of players becoming invisible after being killed on a ladder and revived

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Guest MadZooted
Ah I was wondering why I was kicked from this server. I thought I was banned for throwing a bunch of smoke grenades!!! Thanks for the heads up Sgt
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Guest CI3arrage

No mantle for the 7xxx series cards. So there is going to be some disappointed people here including me.


Edit: According to an AMD facebook post the 14.1 beta driver will support all GCN cards but Dice are currently working on optimizations for it. So it will be here and will only get better. One of the AMD test cases said a 8350 + 7970 gives a 25% performance increase in battlefield 4. I have a 8320 (same thing lower stock clock) clocked at 4.3 Ghz and now a 7970 after a successful attempt to persuade my brother to part with his 7970 for a 660Ti * rubs hands together *

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