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Fun Friday 10th scrimmage open to all

Guest grover234

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Guest grover234



I found another clan (TTT) interested in doing a small 5v5 or 10v10 depending on the interest this Friday 10th at 4pm EST


Here is the URL: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/9f9eab94-475f-48e6-9594-fdf302b3b5e3/TTT-Standard-Hardcore/

password: TTTUS311

Normal Mode

No weapon restrictions

Infantry Only Rush

Attack/Defend: Operation Locker

Attack/Defend: Zavod 311

Attack/Defend: Rogue Transmission


5v5/8v8/10v10 just depending on how many players we can each get for the match


We have multiple servers but the servers most likely to be used are: (since they are usually empty or low player counts) On the day, Game password will be TTTUS311



Playing so far....






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Guest RET.1SG.Maysin=US=
I should be able to play. Also, again i would like to add, if you need any help with this as well let me know. Let me run this up to CW2.Buckshot to make sure everything is square.
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Guest grover234
unless i read his PM back to me incorrectly (which I might have) I think he said "go for it. its a tough thing to get folks in sometimes. have fun" or something like that
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Guest RET.Maj.Buckshot=US=
Ok, we are going to allow this to happen, however we are adding in some new rules regarding event submissions that I will post elsewhere. They will require an R&U.
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Guest Halabrad
PFC's please bear in mind when you are addressing a warrant officer/chief warrant you will address them as sir. While a warrant officer is not officially in the officer corp, they out rank all enlisted personnel and as such you will respect that status and rank
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Guest RhinoTech
done! Sir


they have 10 that can join in


so we can go up to




Just a friendly reminder to help you on your way to understanding ranks: PO3 is still an enlisted rank, which I believe you confused with WO (petty officer/warrant officer). Addressing PO3.Padarom with "sir" is flattering, but incorrect.

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Guest RET.SMA.VicVegas=US=

First off good luck with your scrim, Privates.


Thank your First Sergeant for reminding everyone in the Unknown Soldiers of =US= 32.0.3 Courtesy. The use of rank when talking to / addressing other clan members.

Enlisted to enlisted, enlisted to officer, officer to enlisted, officer to officer. It is a learning process, it becomes second nature if you use rank all the time.

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Guest RET.1SG.Maysin=US=
man we got hammered. very humbling to see how game detail change can mess you up. Normal Rush was killer


I still had fun PFC! Awesome with setting it up as well :) We all appreciate the hard work!

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