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  • =US= 5 Insubordination

    5 regulations in this category

    1. =US= 5.5

      Regulation Name: =US= 5.5
      The term “Insubordination” applies to all forms of communications used by the =US=. All forums (even non =US=), Discord, and In-game Text/Voice.
    2. =US= 5.4

      Regulation Name: =US= 5.4
      Insubordination that has been witnessed by other members should be reported through their CoC, respective Company CO/1SG or =US= SEA.
    3. =US= 5.3

      Regulation Name: =US= 5.3
      Any member who attempts to force a clan policy change by inciting other members to engage in unauthorized group activities including mutiny or mass insubordination will be immediately discharged and banned from the =US= forums and all =US= servers including Discord and gaming servers. If you feel the =US= needs a change to a policy or regulation use your CoC. =US= Command Staff and C&S will always listen to our members' ideas and concerns when the CoC is used properly.
    4. =US= 5.2

      Regulation Name: =US= 5.2
      Insubordination – defiance of authority.

      Every member of the =US= will have respect for the ranks of officers regardless of company or department.

      Insubordination to =US= Officers, or NCO’s may be dealt with by demotion or even result in being discharged from the =US= with Dishonorable terms.

      Members refusing to follow an order given by any =US= Officer may be dealt with by demotion or even result in being discharged from the =US= with Dishonorable terms.
    5. =US= 5.1

      Regulation Name: =US= 5.1
      The Unknown Soldiers is an organization that instills pride in its members because of its history, values, teamwork, and the respect it shows for our nation’s armed forces, and foreign militaries across the world. A reflection of that pride is visible in the customs, courtesies, and traditions the Unknown Soldiers strive to replicate. All members are expected to follow the customs and courtesies outlined in all applicable =US= Training Manuals and Instruction.
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