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LVL 110 COL already! For real!

Guest RET.GEN.Darmine

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Guest Element14

I have jumped 12+ ranks in the last few days with double xp and 100/200% bonuses, he may be legit.


I question this guy though...




#1 Recon in the world, 106 service stars, only 93h played, only 4,000 kills(about 1,000 more than me), SPM of 3784, but yet he only has a skill level of 372... stat pad much...

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Guest Killerwoody
Sir I found out that all the ranked EA servers aren't being watched and no on has admin right to them at this point in time. So players are using them to cheat and stat pad like crazy!
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Guest RET.SMA.VicVegas=US=

Sir, I don't know about this player, but with the boost's and game play it might be plausible. Several members post video's of XFactor on here, he hit lvl 100 earlier this week.


=US= REG. 32 - You are addressing the General of the Clan. You should be using Sir or General

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& I'm almost lvl 90, CSM. With a more liberal use of XP boosts and more play time per day, it's possible I could have reached the end sooner.
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Guest EpikGam3r
Actually, I think he's legit. His most used weapon in the M224 MORTAR, one of the most OP weapons in the game. He has over 1000 kills with it. You could get around 50 kills per match with this thing. Lol.
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