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First bf4 reaction?

Guest 112jesse112

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Guest CI3arrage
Felt good until Origin kicked me out and said the game wasn't yet released in my county. Managed to work around it by logging into battlelog via a web browser and launching it from there. I felt quite similar. Glad you have joined us Petty Officer.
Guest LeetSpork
Mine isn't so good.. computer can barely handle it.
Guest RhinoTech
My experience was tainted by sickness. Yesterday I came down with the flu or something, hard to focus & hard to think, that kind of thing. So when I got home and started playing it two hours after it had released, I only played for an hour before the strain got to me. Still feeling it, but I soon hope to get a better roll at it.
Guest RET.Maj.ShadowOp=US=
My reaction has been terrible, BF4 feels just like work.....oh wait this is work...I haven't yet gotten a chance to play.
awesome and can't wait to rank up more and see the rest of what it has to offer
Gameplay-wise, it's a blast. Technically, it's a mess. Loosing all your unlocks and progress to random disconnects is no fun; I can't break Lvl 1 because of this. Servers seem to be dropping left and right when I play.
Guest GearShot
first day sucked said that i didn't have the game and payed 119 for it.

"Connection to server timed out" x 100. Reach level 3 in-game again, again, and again, and got dropped each round. Server seems to flush everyone else out of it too; checking History, there is a drop in the number of players on each server I'm in.

This is a massive waste of time, if all my in-game effort is going to be cancelled out by some crashing.


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