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Army ending Tuition Assistance Program

Guest Halabrad

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Guest ENigMA0928
well along with that they should suspend the benefits and pay of congress and the senate until they resolve the budget issues... Bet things get solved real quick if that happened
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Guest Element14

Just playing devils advocate...


More often than not congressional leaders, politicians, government officials, etc. are college educated which affords them the luxury of reaping what they sewed for probably more than 4 years. Most military enlisted members have a high school diploma at best. Is it sad that benefits get taken away, yes, but they are just that, benefits. It is a volunteer service, members aren't even entitled to pay, it's a benefit as well. So long as they provide a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and cloths on your back. There was a time when your basic needs were provided for and nothing else.

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Guest Element14

I meant to say also that the eye for an eye mentality doesn't work when everyone ends up blind.


I don't know the answer though. Benefits will come and go...

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Guest ENigMA0928
My problem is with the fact that spending by government officials of tax dollars for personal items, vacations, etc.. is out of control yet those things still continue while soldiers and citizens take all the cuts when the budget time comes along. As far as the military and all the "benefits" are concerned the government needs to take care of military members before nobody wants to volunteer anymore.
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