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Time to fix

Guest CW4.Sharpz=US=

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Guest CW4.Sharpz=US=

Everyone, I need a processor and motherboard. It's getting difficult to find a cheap mobo compatible with my processor so I'm just going to sell off the CPU and get a new Mobo and CPU


Any suggestions? Please use the uk version of Part Picker for your links.


At the moment i'm looking at Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor and MSI Z87-G45 Gaming ATX LGA1150 Motherboard

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Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=

The CPU is a solid choice, I have the same one and clock it to 4.2 GHz.


For the motherboard I'd recommend a Z97 chipset over a Z87 for various reasons: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/pc-upgrades/z97-vs-z87-which-motherboard-should-i-buy-3539137/

I'm running with an ASRock Z97M, which is a µATX board for my Carbide Air 240 case. Naturally there's more slots in a normal ATX board, so having the space I'd pick one of these.

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Guest slackin

I'm running the 4690k and the z97 both run amazingly well I've tested how much of a load it can handle I've run bf4 cod bo2 and ff14 without getting the bog down at all I love them and would recommend them both


Sent from my U9200 using Tapatalk

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Guest RET.GEN.Darmine

Processor is good..

Motherboard choices are: MSI z97 Gaming 5, Gigabyte z97mx(yes its micro and it will still fit in your case), Asus maximus VII hero and ASrock z97 Extreme6.

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Guest Ret.Maj.Xander=US=
I have a Gaming 5 mobo, its great. Waiting on the price of M.2 PCIe hard drives to go down to take advantage of that port.
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