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bf4 won't start

Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=

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Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=



since updating to the newest version (and downloading Naval Strike) I haven't been able to get into a single game. Every time I join a server battlefield does start, but won't even make it to the task bar.

I can only see the process in my task manager, and it's staying there - inactive - at 41.44 mb RAM usage (forever, until I stop the process).


I have already tried to repair the game through origin, however my origin stops working at 70 %...


No clue if this an Origin-/Battlefield-related issue or a general problem with my PC, as I also have some other problems (the biggest one with steam: It won't download anything, it just says my "hard drive is busy" and starting a download will crash the client). I hope someone can give me a hint on how to fix this.


Thanks in advance!

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Guest MAJ.Spartan-S63=US=

Have you tried running Origin as administrator and running the repair install?


Also are you running Windows 7 or Windows 8?


Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

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Guest RET.LT.Padarom=US=

I thought I have, but apparently I have not tried that before. Fortunately it went right through the whole repair process in just a couple of seconds- and told me battlefield is no ready to play.

And it works! When joining a server, the game finally shows up again... Thank you SSG!

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