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Red Shirt Fridays


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Hello Group,


Just thought I would share my simple way of showing my support for our troops, its called Red Shirt Fridays.


Every Friday for work I wear a red shirt to show my support for the troops, I also wear my deployment shirt, combat boots, and dog tags, but all of that isn't as meaningful as the Red Shirt.


If you support our troops, and are able to wear red on Fridays, I highly recommend it! It makes me feel good when people ask me "Red again?!?!" and I'll respond something like "Yup, supporting our troops every friday with red!" and they will have this look on their face like ohhh maybe I should do that too.


Obviously it isn't the best way to support our troops, but its so simple to do and people notice and start asking, then it starts spreading and that action is showing our support for the troops!


Thank you, and for you that support our troops and vets like me, we appreciate it, sometimes the simplest acts of letting us know you're thinking about us every Friday is all it takes!


EDIT: OOps I forgot to put this link, http://redshirtfridays.org/about.html I'm not the owner of the website, just a supporter that stumbled upon it doing research one day.

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Nice shirt SSG!


I sadly do not have any sort of offical RED shirt, I literally just have a red button up shirt, but soon I plan to buy a couple!


Thanks for sharing and for supporting :)

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Guest CenturionOne

Red is red :) I happened to find this shirt online and had to have it! I'm glad someone else partakes in this!


Keep on keepin' on PV2

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Guest Ret.1stSgt.Bwa=US=
my wife and kids wear there red shirts every Friday, been doing so for a few years now. Since im 90% civilian now I should get one.
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Guest RhinoTech

I remember not being able to wear a red shirt to school on friday despite having explained this. I now do my best to remember donning my RED shirt for Friday, I'm still lacking an "official" one though. Thanks for the reminder PV2!


*also, go vote bf4clans!*

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