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Looking for new Wireless Headset and a GTX 770 VC any advice

Guest c4

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So im getting ready to buy a new headset and a 770 GTX VC


Basically im looking for some advice or reviews on what anyone has.


I don't want to spend over $100 on a headset and i want the best quality sound for gaming i can get in the price range


for the 770 VC i have it down to 2 choices but im not super knowledgeable about which would be better overall... here are the 2:






any info would be great.


My computer specs are


16GB ram

800w PS

amd x4 3.2GHZ

asus MB

win 8

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Guest Halabrad

PFC, I have a pair of Logitech G930 wireless and I love them. They run anywhere for 60-80, but I love them. The razet chiamera(totally misspelled that) are also pretty good but are around 120.


Cant really help with the 770

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right now i play with speakers and can't hear anything really.... since i play with SORT i want something that i can hear people coming ect ect.... would you LT and SGT say that you can hear all your surroundings?
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Guest StealthF117
right now i play with speakers and can't hear anything really.... since i play with SORT i want something that i can hear people coming ect ect.... would you LT and SGT say that you can hear all your surroundings?


With mine, I can hear footsteps running on floors above and below me. Speakers don't even compare to headsets (unless you have surround sound theater speakers). It's a whole new ballgame compared to the standard desktop speakers.

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Guest Halabrad
PFC, the G930 has built in simulated 5.1 surround sound, with the option to switch back to stereo with the flick of a switch. I can hear people coming from behind, above and below me. Also, easy flip up/auto mute mic, mic mute button wireless up for ~40 feet from the reciever
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ok cool i was looking at this headset as one of my options from newegg..... i just ordered it via amazon prime 1 day shipping :)


now any info on a quality 770? anyone?

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Guest ZeroWolf
i highly suggest you check out game-debate.com great website Cpl. Phlegmatic led me here for building my comp and its really easy to compare parts and get an idea of whats better and why also while seeing how your parts do with games.
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Guest RET.GEN.Darmine
That 770 is a good card, but which you want depends on how your case is set up. If you have good ventilation I would get the ACX. If not stick with the ref cooler.
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I use Apple Earpods haha, but on the other hand, I don't recommend a 770. It's a good price but a ASUS R9 280X will save you $100 and is almost equal in performance. I got the 280x in dual crossfire right now and I am very pleased.
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Guest RET.GEN.Darmine

280x: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127759

Cost more, has a lot of potential for 4k monitors

But you get more mem and bandwidth. Downside shotty drivers and runs hot and loud


770: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130921

Cost less, best customer service on the market, runs cool and consumes less power

But you get less mem and lower bandwidth




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